Page 617 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 617

                                   THE YEAR 1946.

                                    PART I.

             I. AGENCY OFFICIALS.
                      Political Agent:    Mr. R.I. Hallows from 1st January,
                                           to 29th November.
                                          Captain J.E.H. Hudson from 29th
                                           November afternoon to 3Cth November

                                          Major A.C. Stewart, O.B.E., from
                                           30th November afternoon till the end
                                           of the year.
                      Assistant Political   Captain J.E.H. Hudson from 15th
                       Agent:              November to 29th November and from
                                           1st December to 13th December.

                      Treasury Officer:   Mr. G.H. Khan throughout the year.
                      Medical Officer:    Captain A.G.T. Matthews, I.A.M.C  • t
                                           from 1st January to 30th April.
                                          Mr. K.E. liotala from 1st May to
                                           19th September.

                                          Captain A.G.T. Matthews, I.A.M.C.,
                                           from 20th September till the end
                                           of the year.
            II. MEDICAL.

                      (a)  General. The public health measures in the town of
            Muscat remained satisfactory throughout the year and the President
            of the Municipal Council, Saiyia Tariq bin Taimur, is now endeavour­
            ing to clean up the terra of Mutrah. He has approached the Political
            Agent for his assistance.
                      (b)  Agency Hospital. The Hospital was open throughout
            the year. The supply of drugs for the hospital has been satisfac­
            tory from the Medical Stores Depot, Bombay. More equipment was
            ordered from India from the funds collected during the year. The
            hospital building underwent minor repairs and was whitewashed.
            Wire gauze was fixed for the Agency Surgeon^ consulting roon and more
            gause for O.T. wards etc. is expected.

                     The two snail rooms near the European ward have been
            re-appropriated for a clinical laboratory. The microscope was
            sent to India for repairs and is expected very soon.
                     The attendance figures of the hospital were as under:
            (1)  New cases                 • •              9510

            (2)  Cases re-attended for treatment           11566
            (3)  Total number of cases treated during
                 the year                  • •             21076

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