Page 247 - Neglected Arabia Vol I (1)
P. 247


                                            Thousands of Moslem Converts

                                                 Rev. S. M. Zwemek, D.D., LL.D,
                                 O     Nil of the great GUI Testament missionary preachers npeaks
                                        of a day when “the plowman shall overtake the reaper.”
                                        This is a great promise, indicating that the toil of prepara­
                                        tion will be crowned with the fullness of harvest joy. The
                                 Arabian mission has mil yel had the joy of the harvest, although
                                 for many years plowmen have run deep furrows and Mattered
                                goodly grain with faith and prayers and with tears. To change
                                 the metaphor, the missionaries of our mission express things as they
                                are when they say with the disciples, "Master, we have toiled all
                                the night and taken nothing, nevertheless at Thy word we will
                                 let down the net." In other parts of the Moslem world there have
                                been far greater results, but no greater faithfulness and sacrifice.
                                   It was my great joy during the past summer to visit for the first
                                 time the Islands of Jaya and Sumatra where God’s sovereign grace
                                has manifested its power in winning many Moslems to Christ. The
                                 fact that the churches engaged in this mission work nearly all
                                 belong to the group of Reformed Churches holding the Presbyterian
                                 system, made my visit the more interesting to me. The first meet­
                                ing I attended was a week-day prayer meeting at Modjowarno in
                                 East Java. In a beautiful chapel built by the Moslem converts

                                                                                  THE CONGREGATION AT
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