Page 263 - Neglected Arabia Vol I (1)
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                                 Dr. and Mrs. C. S. (I. Mylrea on their return from their furlough
                             reached their Station, Kuweit, in December. Their journey was broken
                             in Egypt to attend an important meeting uf the Committee on Survey
                             of Christian Literature fur Moslems at Cairo. They also spent a few
                             days in Palestine and Syria where Dr. Mylrea had done some mis­
                             sionary service before joining the Arabian Mission, and where Mrs.
                             Mylrea’s cousin is working as a missionary. On an automobile journey
                             between Antioch and Aleppo accompanied by two missionaries of the
                             American Board, now in the service of the Near East Relief, the party
                             was attacked by bandits, one of their companions being killed and
                             another wounded, Dr. and Mrs. Mylrea having had a remarkable deliver­
                             ance for which their friends and those of the Arabian Mission are
                             profoundly grateful. A full account of the incident in the December
                             27th issue of The Christian Intelligencer and Mission Field.

                                 Dr. S. M. Zwemer, having completed his visit to Northern Africa
                             and Malaysia, returned to this%country in November in time to join his
                             family during the Thanksgiving Season. He will remain in this country
                             for several months and arrangements are being made for his visits to
                             qur Reformed Churches both West and East.

                                 Rev. and Mrs. (i. D. Van Peursem and their family left Maskal on
                             their regular furlough in November. They will spend their winter with
                             Mrs. Van Peursem’s relatives and friends in Switzerland, where their
                             address will be Ave de La Care 6, Fribourg, Switzerland.

                                 Rev. and Mrs. 11. A. Bilkerl and Miss Mary C. Van iVIt will be
                             returning to America on their regular furlough in the Spring of 1923.
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