Page 11 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 11


                      The period of discovery of Arabia after 1850 has quite a
                    variety of motives behind it. Scientific “curiosity” no
                    longer dominates the foreground. This second phase of Eu­
                    ropean exploratory expeditions in Arabia and especially in
                    the southeast of the peninsula was instigated by S. B. Miles
                    who visited Inner Oman from Sohar in 1875, from Barka in
                    1876 and from Matrah in 1885. The results if his research
                    are in addition to several reports1, recorded in the extensive
                    and systematically developed work “The Countries and
                    Tribes of the Persian Gulf,” which was published in London
                    in 1919. In 1894—95, J. Th. Bent and H. Bent visited the
                    south of what is now Oman. Their book “Southern Arabia”
                    (London 1900) contains the first detailed descriptions of
                    Dhofar and the Qara mountain range. The expeditions
                    and publications of S. M. Zwemer (1902)2, Sir Percy
                    Cox (1925)3, G. M. Lees (1928)4, B. Thomas (1926,
                    1928—29)5 and W. Thesiger (several times during
                    1946—50)6, followed.

                     1  MILES, S. B. (1877): On the route between Sohar and el-Bereymi
                       in Oman, with a note on the Zatt, or Gypsies in Arabia. In: Journal
                       of the Asiatic Society, XLVI, pp. 4—40.
                       MILES, S. B. (1901): Across the Green Mountains. In: Journal
                       of the Roy. Geogr. Soc. Vol. XVIII, Nr. 5.
                       MILES, S. B. (1910): On the border of the Great Desert. A Jour­
                       ney in Oman. In: Geogr. Journ., 36, pp. 159—178, and 405—425.
                     2  ZWEMER, S.M. (1900): Arabia. The cradle of Islam. London
                       ZWEMER, S. M. (1902): Three journeys in northern Oman.
                       In: Geogr. Journ. XIX (Jan.—June) pp. 54—64.
                     3  COX, P. (1925): Some Excursions in Oman. In: Geogr. Journ.
                       LXVI,pp. 193-227.
                     4  LEES, G. M. (1928): The physical geography of South-Eastern
                       Arabia. In: Geogr. Journ. LXXI, Nr. 5, pp. 441—470.
                     5  THOMAS, B. (1929): The South-Eastern borderlands of Rub al
                       Khali. In: Geogr. Journ. 73, pp. 193—215.
                       THOMAS, B. (1929): Among some unknown tribes of South
                       Arabia. In: Journ. of the Roy. Anthropol. Soc. Vol. 59.
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