Page 121 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 121
decamped to return to Beni-Abfi-’Ali by an
other route, more to the westward. Very
much did I regret being compelled to do so,
since I might, with my present escort, with
out the slightest fear of interruption, have
proceeded to the confines of the Mahara
Bedowins; but Oman, “metal more attrac
tive,” was before me. Until 1-30, the face
of the country continued the same as I
have before described it, but afterwards we
crossed some arid plains, exhibiting neither
trees nor bushes, and displaying alternately
either a pebbly surface, or extensive saline
incrustations. At sunset we halted for a
short time to feed the camels, and then, as
the night was fine, resumed our journey.
At 12'45, after a long ride, at a hard pace,
of fourteen hours, we arrived at a small Be-
dowin encampment, where we put up for
the night. What an enviable attainment is
that of being able to sleep on a camel! By
the time I reached our halting-place I was
fairly tired out, but, with the exception of
the Sheikh, who rode alongside of, and was
chatting with me, every other individual of
the party had fallen into a sound slumber.