Page 136 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 136
to the tribe, and when, this year, he was ap
pointed to tiie command of the Wahhabi fron
tier force at Bireimah, although the Wahhabis
were at peace with the Im4m, he suddenly
marched with three thousand men direct to
Bedi’ah. But the tribe he had destined to de
struction, receiving intelligence of this move
ment two hours before he made his appearance,
they collected eight hundred men, all who were
then present, to oppose him. These were well
armed, and the Sheikh’s threats that he would
afford no quarter urged them to their best
efforts. Notwithstanding their unequal num
bers, they attacked the Wahhabis so unex
pectedly, and with such fury, that they drove
them from the field, and after slaying a great
many, compelled the others to seek for safety
in flight. The Sheikh, almost maddened at
his defeat, was foremost in every danger, and,
but for the devotion of a few who hurried him
from the field, he too would, on the same spot,
have probably shared the fate of his father.
After halting a short time at this village, wait
ing for our camels, we continued N. N. W.
until twelve, when we arrived at Cawbil,
which is walled round and has several forts.