Page 151 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 151
friend ; but we may pardont heir unbelief, as
well as surprise, after the feat was performed,
when we reflect that it was not many years
since in “ all enlightened England ” that the
possibility of the act was very gravely ques
tioned, and Bruce’s narration of a similar ex
ploit very charitably attributed to his “ love
of the marvellous.’’
Saturday, 19th. We struck the tent, and,
after I had obtained a latitude, left at one,
p.m., accompanied by the Sheikh and a
guard of about twenty men, mounted on
asses. Continuing our course along the val
ley, in forty minutes we arrived at Omaseer,
where there is a fort and a few houses.
At three hours we came to a pass called
Urif, which has a descent down a narrow ra
vine of about two hundred feet. The rock
here contains an astonishing quantity of iron
pyrites, the glistening of which is perceived
from a considerable distance.
At four hours we passed a town called Gaza,
bearing S. S. W., and at 5 45 arrived at Kothra,
where we halted. Two miles from this, in a
S.S.E. direction, there are some copper mines,
but our guides would not conduct us to them.