Page 282 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 282
Maritime Robbers —Forbearance of the Indian Government—
Instructions to our Cruisers—Audacity of the Pirates—Anec
dote—Capture of the Sylph—Massacre—Attack upon the Mi
nerva—Captain attempts to blow up his Vessel—Crew offered
up as a Sacrifice to the Prophet—Singular Ceremonies—Na
tional traits of Character — Respect for Women—Resolute
bravery—Contempt of Death—Expedition against the Pirates
—Mohammed AU—Pirate Vessels — Reparation of Losses—
Author engaged in Surveying the Arabian Coast—Additions
to Geographical Knoivledge—Danger of withdrawing our
Squadron—Destruction of a Piratical Boat—Transportation
of her Commander—Population—Tribes—Authority of Chiefs
—Simplicity of their Domestic Habits.
It remains to notice the pirates, a race hi
therto but little known, but whose power and
influence was long felt by, and is still inti
mately connected with the political condition
of the tribes in this part of Arabia. They
occupy a part of the coast within the
Persian Gulf comprehended between the
mountain range and the sea-shore, and ex
tending in that direction from Kasab to the
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