Page 282 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 282

XVI.]            TRAVELS IN OMAN.                      243

                                CHAPTER XVI.

           Maritime Robbers —Forbearance of the Indian Government—
             Instructions to our Cruisers—Audacity of the Pirates—Anec­
             dote—Capture of the Sylph—Massacre—Attack upon the Mi­
             nerva—Captain attempts to blow up his Vessel—Crew offered
             up as a Sacrifice to the Prophet—Singular Ceremonies—Na­
             tional traits of Character — Respect for Women—Resolute
             bravery—Contempt of Death—Expedition against the Pirates
             —Mohammed AU—Pirate Vessels — Reparation of Losses—
             Author engaged in Surveying the Arabian Coast—Additions
             to Geographical Knoivledge—Danger of withdrawing our
             Squadron—Destruction of a Piratical Boat—Transportation
             of her Commander—Population—Tribes—Authority of Chiefs
             —Simplicity of their Domestic Habits.

           It remains to notice the pirates, a race hi­
           therto but little known, but whose power and

           influence was long felt by, and is still inti­
           mately connected with the political condition
           of the tribes in this part of Arabia. They

           occupy a part of the coast within the
           Persian Gulf comprehended between the

           mountain range and the sea-shore, and ex­
           tending in that direction from Kasab to the

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