Page 375 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 375
336 TRAVELS IN OMAN. [ell.
marked here than in other settled and civil
ized parts of Arabia. Both classes have mixed
with their Khuwarijite conquerors, whose
faith they embraced, and all distinction is
now lost between them ; but they have pre
served another, which is forgotten, as far as I
know, in other provinces. The Arabian his
torians derive the present population of Oman
from two stocks; Jactan the son of Eber
and Adnan I-, the descendant of Ishmael|. In
Oman, the posterity of the former are styled
Ummarf, and that of the latter Gaafiri; but
these terms seem peculiar to the province, for
by other writers the first are called Arab el
Arabi, or pure Arabs, and the latter El Arab
el Mustarab ||, or mixed Arabs.
These two classes in Oman regard each
other with mutual hatred. The town Arabs,
independent of this distinction, are also di
vided into tribes, who engage as fiercely in
quarrel with each other as their brethen of
the Desert; and the detestable laws of blood
* Jactan the son of Hebra.
f The Arabs trace their descent as far as Adnan, but not to
J Robinson’s Calmet> Boston Ed. p. 5 70. Ante, a.d. 1817.
|| Mos-Arabes, or Mostse-Arabes.