Page 416 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 416
are governed by Sheikhs, each of whom is
responsible to the Im&m for the good govern
ment of his respective district. All these
chiefs acknowledge the supremacy of the
Imam ; and for rebellion, or withholding
supplies of men when called on to furnish
them, imprisonment and confiscation of pro
perty are inflicted. Sayyid S’aid seems,
however, much more desirous to conciliate
their esteem by presents, and to secure their
co-operation for military purposes and the
good order of his dominions, than to prejudice
them against his person or his measures.
While the attention of the Imam is thus di
rected to the interest of his dominions gene
rally, the details are left to these chieftains,
and the power they possess in their several
districts is still in consequence very consider
able. It extends over the persons and pro
perty of the people, but not to their lives. A
right of appeal to the Im&m exists in every
case, his decision being final and binding. A
Sheikh would therefore find it. very difficult to
abuse his power, and personal security, as well
as the rights of private property, are generally
respected by them. They have no regular