Page 435 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 435
whelmed with the misfortunes which he had
brought on himself and his country, in a
few months afterwards died of grief. Sooltan
ibn Murshid took refuge in Sohar, which had
not yet surrendered, but against which the
Persians now marched. The Imam was
killed in a sortie, but Ahmed ibn S’aid de
fended himself nobly ; and after a protracted
siege of eight months, the Persians were con
strained to permit him to retain his govern
ment, upon condition of acknowledging alle
giance to their king. The death of Nadir
Shah, which followed a few years after these
events, drew great numbers of the invaders
to their own country, and Ahmed found little
difficulty in ridding himself of the remainder.
This effected, he convened a meeting of the
chiefs and eiders of the tribes, and reminding
them that the government of the country be
longed to the Arab family, invited them to
name an Imam from that stock, and professed
his willingness to obey whomsoever they might
nominate. Mohammed ibn Sooltan then
arose, and said that none could advance supe
rior claims to those of the individual who had
rescued his country from the yoke of foreign