Page 481 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 481
Bedowins, who were with us, to defer our de
parture until the morning. Any disturbance
we might have with them had better happen
then than during the night. We therefore
took up our quarters amidst the sand-hills,
where we could light a fire without fear of its
being observed by those on board.
It will readily be believed that if we felt
fatigued it was not without reason. We
had been seventy hours from our station at
Ba-l-haff, during forty hours of which we had
been mounted on our camels. The whole
distance, one hundred and twenty miles,
might have been accomplished, on a quick
camel, in half that time, and it was our slow
pace during the excessive heat of the weather
at this season, which formed the most toil
some and tedious part of the journey.
May 3rd. Being discovered at an early
hour this morning from the ship, a boat was
immediately despatched for us. Strength
ened now with her crew, we settled with the
Bedowins without any additional demand,
and in the course of a few minutes were on
board the vessel, where we received the con
gratulations of all on our return. Consider
able apprehension had been entertained for