Page 50 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 50
With this view they fortified it with consider
able labour and expense. When the latter
city, on the 26th April, 1622, was taken pos
session of by the Persians, under the Em
peror Shah Abbas, a great number of its
wealthiest inhabitants sought shelter in
Maskat: but, in 1658, the Arabs, having re
taken the city from the Portuguese, put all
the garrison to the sword, and the only ves
tiges of their settlement now remaining are
the forts and two churches, one of which has
fallen to ruins, and the other is converted
into a palace for the Imam. From this pe
riod, until Sayyid S’aid obtained the govern
ment, the reigning princes only visited
Maskat occasionally, and Rostak was con
sidered the capital of Oman.
The town of Maskat is situated at the ex
tremity of a small cove in the gorges of an
extensive pass, which widens from this point
as it advances into the interior. On either
side, the cove hills, to the height of from
three to five hundred feet, rise almost per
pendicularly from the sea, and appear lined
with forts, which, considering they belong to
the vicinity of an Arab town, are in a toler-