Page 58 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 58
cities of Yemen. Here they appear to pos
sess all the privileges of Mussulman subjects,
with one single exception. The relation of a
Banian slain by a Mussulman can be com
pelled to accept a compensation for blood,
while with the Arab it is a matter of choice.
They mostly embark at Porebunder from
the north-west provinces of India, and, in the
prosecution of their commercial avocations,
frequently remain for a period of fifteen or
twenty years. They never bring their wo
men with them, and, though it is well known
that they occasionally intrigue with Arab
females, there are few exceptions to their
remaining unmarried for the whole of this
period. It is, however, a singular fact in
connexion with the history of this class, that,
when occasional, though rare instances occur
of their falling away from their own faith,
and adopting that of the Mussulmans, the
latter do not appear to pride themselves on
their proselytes. A practice they have of
proclaiming themselves bankrupt, is a sub
ject of considerable diversion to the Arabs.
An individual thus situated seats himself in
the open day in his shop with a candle
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