Page 65 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 65
Excursion to the Hot Springs of Imam All—Cove of Maskat—
Heat—Glassy surface of the Sea —The Laughing Gull—Visit
on board a Bagaid — Singular appearance of her Crew —
Songs — Music — Dancing — Remarkable Echo — Scenery—
Matarah — Population—Arab Women—Bedowins—A Village
— Watch Dogs—Caravanserai—Description of the Springs—
Irrigation—Height of the Thermometer—Fine Climate—Re-
turn to Maskat.
November 23rd. Having obtained from his
Highness this morning an officer to accom
pany me, I set out on a visit to the hot
springs of Imam Ali, which are situated on
the sea-shore, about seven hours to the west
ward of the town. Although the cool season
was so far advanced the day proved exces
sively sultry, and when we pushed off in our
boat for Matarah, notwithstanding a fresh
breeze was prevailing outside, yet within the
cove it was a perfect calm, and the heat
thrown off from the sides of the mountains,