Page 76 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 76
neys from a great distance in the interior,
that they may remain and use them for seve
ral days. Although the temperature was so
high, yet I witnessed the submersion of seve
ral of the patients, who were kept under the
surface by force for some time. One, an old
man of eighty, was so much exhausted by
this rough treatment, that he appeared in a
dying state: yet I was told that, if he lived,
the operation would be repeated after an in
terval of two hours, for the natives believe if
the waters fail in producing their desired
effect, it is only because they have not been
used sufficiently often. A few yards from
the bath there is a small mosque, in which
an old priest resides, who is ever ready to
assist with his prayers those who may require
After leaving the reservoir, the water runs
into a large shallow tank or basin, in which
it cools ere it is permitted to reach the vege
tation or trees, and numerous rills conduct it
over the face of the country. The portion
thus irrigated forms the seaward front or base
of hills which extend, by a succession of yet
higher ranges, into the interior of the coun-