Page 110 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 110

88                          Parti.

                          (Socrot ot Confidential.)
                          Votre Excellence sait dcjh quo lo nomrad Scid Solman Effondi, Naldb-ul-Echraff de
                      Bagdad, cst I'hOto du Sultau dcpuis six niois.
                          On viont d’atsurer lo Scheilch Suleiman Effondi quo co personnago important no tardcra
                      pas It recevoir, pinstar de co qui a etc fait pour Scid I'azil un grade civil trda-dlcve, ot
                      ratourncra bientfifc a Bagdad muni dcs instructions do son Souvcrain.
                          Co pcrsonnngo occupo parmi lo clorgc Musulman la position la plus clevco (puisquo le
                      Scheik-ul-lslara lui-racmc cst tcnu do lui cmbrasscr la main), ct il va sans diro quo son
                      influence est immcnso 6oit auprbs du Sultan soil auprcs des populations Musulraaus du mondo
                          II cst possiblo quo I'on so sorvo do co pcrsonnago pour travailler I03 populations dcs
                      lodes. II sorait par consequent prudent quo lo Consul*Gendral de Sa Majostd A Bagdad
                      reyoivo pour instruotious de surveillcr los mouvemonts do Scid Solmao ECfcodi.
                                                                (Sd.) Hugo Maiunich.
                          Per a, le 28 Aoul, 1830.
                          208. Tho following is the genealogy of tlio family to which the Nakib
                              Sheikh Abdul Khadir QhoUni.
                                   (Ttio Saiatj.


                      (l) Sulemnu (2) Abdur   (3) Zeinud   (4) ilaboracd (6) Alimcd   (C) Hftsisa.  (7) Abdae
                         Effendi,   Rclimin,  Dio.    Dervish. Abdullah.          Salim.
                        late Nakib.  present
                        (1874-78).  Nakib.
                                        Mahomrd Effcudi
                          209.  One or other of the brothers of the late Nakib Suleraan or bis
                       nephews have been visiting Mohamedan States in India, the distinct purpose of
                       which has not been made very clear. The Saint Abdul Kadhi Gbelani is very
                      popular in India and one of the ostensible purposes of visits of his descendants
                       has been to collect alms.
                          210.  In December 1895 Ahmad, son of Zeinuddin and nephew of the
                                                     Nakib left Baghdad for India, but re­
                           Sc wet E, Alarcb 1896, Nos. 71*76.
                                                     turned from Basrah. The Consul-Gene­
                       ral at Baghdad was informed that the Nakib had received letters from
                       the Sultan of Turkey asking him to send emissary to tho Amir of Kabul
                       to stir up feeling against the British Government regarding the Armenian
                       question (Resident’s telegram, dated 14th December 1895.)
                           211.  In July the Nakib’s brother Abdus Salam left Baghdad for Karachi
                                                      (Resident’s telegram dated 2nd July
                           Secret En January 1898, Noe. 19-24.
                                                      1896). Later on we find Ahmad, son of
                       Zein-ud-din, travelling in India, on 18th September 1897. He was allowed an
                       interview by the Nizam and appears to have left with 200 gold coins valued at
                       Rs. 24 each.
                           212.  Tho Afghans hold the Nakib in high esteem and the Amir has been
                                                     sending here large presents annually.
                           Secret E., September 1898, Noe. 1*8.
                           8ayyed Suleman Effendi died in May 1S98, and was succeeded as Nakib
                       by his brother Sayyed Abdur Raliman as Nakib.
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