Page 192 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 192

Part III.
                                          LIST OF CONTENTS ~contd.
                       Skotioh.                                      PARAORAPII8.
                           V—Movements of the Comet north of Baghdad opposed by the
                              Pox to, 1885                              202
                          VI—Alleged intention of the Turks to construct a canal on the
                               Tigris, 1880—H7                     ... 2G3—2G5
                         VII—Alleged unsuitability of the Cornel for services required at
                               Baghdad, 1887—90                    ... 200—275
                        VIII—Rumoured formation of a new Ottoman River Company,
                               1692                                ...  270—278
                          IX—Messrs. Lynch's claim for cortain privileges allowed to the
                               Ottoman steamers                    ...  279—280
                           X—Behaviour of the Turkish Police towards the Comet,
                               1893—9-1                            ... 281—282
                          XI—Navigability of the Tigiis, 1899   • • •  ...  283—287
                         XII—Permission accorded to Messrs Lynch to tow barges on
                               the Tigris, and subsequently withdrawn, 1899  ... 288—292
                        XIII— Congestion of traffic between Baghdad and Basrah, 3903  293
                         XIV— Unsatisfactory character of the Mail Service maintained
                               by the Euphrates and 'ligris Navigation Company,
                               1899—1903                              293—297
                          XV—Opening of an improved Turkish Steam Service on the
                               Tigris, 1901               •M       ... 298—299
                         XVI—The new mail contract                 ... 300—301A
                        XVII—Supply of launch for the Residency, 1904—05   ... 30 IB—30 ID
                       XVIII—Recent Postal Affairs                 ... 301E—301F.
                                           CHAPTER XTII.
                             Turkish Fort at Fao and Military Posts on the
                                 Shat-el-Arab                      ... 302—335
                                            CHAPTER TIV.
                             Turkish Pretensions to Jurisdiction the Shq,U
                                         le-Arab and Mohammerah,
                          I—Turkish Jurisdiction on the SJ.ial-el-Arab ...  ... 330—339
                         II—Rights of* British naval ships to ascend up the Shat-el*
                             Arab ...                     •/*.    .... 340—352
                         III— Objection of the Porte to the presence of British war-ships
                             at Basrah, 1883—86           •ff     ... 353-359
                         IV— Number of guns allowed to bo carried by foreign vessels in
                             the Shat-el-Arab, ll893j  •v  •V.    ...  360—362
                         V—Levy of Customs dues by the Turks on imports and exports
                             at Mohammcrah, l|893-94              .... 363r-376
                         VI—Turkish quarantine arrangements on the Shat-el-Arab, 1890 875—377.
                        VII—Proposed Turkish.quarantino at Fao, 1891—97   ...  378-387.
                       VIII—Sanitary Posts in the Persian Gulfand Turkish Arabia pro­
                             posed by the Paris Conference of. 1894  ...  3884—391)
                         IX— (1) Rlackmailing of British Indian nat.iye craft by Turkish
                              Officers on tbo Shat-el-Arab. (2) Quarantine Restrictions.
                              (3) Proposed appointment.of a Consul at,Fao,. 1894—95.,,. 392—407'
                         X— Boarding of.British Indian search, of •nrms,.189.5-^.
                              96  ••• ••• •••
                                                                  ... 408-422
                        XI—Appointraonkof a,.Consul at Fao. (2) Despatch of a man-of-
                              war. (3) Their withdrawal, 1890—97     423—435
                        XII—Plague in India anfl quarajtin? arrangement? in Turkish
                             Arabia, 1897—98 ...                  ... 486—449
                                                CHAPTER XV:
                              Piraciei on the Shat-el-Arab, 1888—1904  ... 451—*501,
   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197