Page 265 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
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                                    CHAPTER XII.
              (XVII).—Proposed supply of a launch for tho use of the Residency at Baghdad,

               301-B. In October 1901, Major Newraarcli represented to Government
                                          the need ho felt ot' a steam, cloctrio or
              External A., October 1905, Nos. 104-112.
                                          petroleum launch lor the use of tho
           Residency, especially now that the new Residency buildings! are situated in
           the extreme outskirts of tho town of Baghdad.
               301-C. Tho Government of India concur with Major as to the need for
           a boat such ho suggests and they have ascertained that a suitable motor
           launch, 30 feet long by 6 feet 3 inches, oapablo of carrying 12 persons and
           with a draft of 1 foot 9 inches, can bo procured from Messrs. Tkornoy croft
           for £050 delivered in England and £350 at Baghdad.
               301-D. His Majesty’s Minister at Constantinople has expressed his un­
           willingness to approach the Porte in the matter; and in reply to a telegraphic
           communication from the Viceroy, has suggested that the launoh should be
           introduced as part of the equipment of the comet, as otherwise he expects
           determined opposition from the Turkish Government, But this procedure
           would not be possible in view of the size of the proposed launch. Further,
           in writing to tho Secretary of State, the Government of India in their despatch
           No. 174-Exl., dated 14th September 1905, observe :—
               f,Wo submit that political significance cannot be reasonably attached to the supply of
           such a boat as is intended, and that tho Resident is fully entitled to the privilege as a mcro
           act of ordinary international courtesy. Attention may be drawn to the fact, reported by Major
           Newmarch, that a steam launch has recently arrived at Baghdad for the party of German
           excavators working at Babylon on tho Euphrates and Killa Shergot on tho Tigris, tho use
           of which has been permitted by the Turkish authorities. Wo therefore hopo that His
           Majesty's Government will see thoir way to approaching the Turkish Government and to
           exercising some pressure on them, if necessary, with a viow to permission being given for
           tho importation and use of tho launch,"
                            (XVIII).-Recent Postal Affairs,1 1894-1905.
               301-E. There is little on our records about tho Postal Service since 1894.
           The following paragraphs aro therefore reprinted below from tho Memorandum
           on the British Bost OJices in the Persian Gulf and Turkish Arabia, 1905.
               141. In conscquenoc of representations from the Sublime Porto, the following rovised pro-
             Dircctor uenoral't circular No. 61, dated tho 19th cedure was adoptod with effect from the 1st Feb­
                           No. 23-Con.
           December 1891, and letter  dated the  ruary 1892 and is still in force in regard to de­
                           For. 3 No. I*  livery of parcels :—
           16th January 1892.
               Declarations of contents and value accompany all parcels addressed to Baghdad and Basra;
           the offices of exchange at Bombay, Karachi and Bushire prepare detailed parcel invoices in
           triplicate, of which one copy is kept for office record, one is sent to the Baghdad or Basra post
           office, and the third copy togelhor with the customs declarations, is 6Cnt in a cover addrossed to
           *• the Turkish Customs Department, c/o the postmaster at Baghdad or Basra." The post offices
           at Baghdad and Basrah send tho closed covers containing the invoices and declarations to the
           Custom-house immediately after receipt of the mail. After the disposal of the letter mail, the
           parcel bags are oponed in the presence of a Turkish customs officer who then takes charge of
           the parcels and conveys them to the Custom-house. Tho Customs Department grants a receipt
           in the postmaster's copy of tho parcel invoice. The postmaster affixes a Turkish revenue stamp
           of the value of 3 grandsac piastres to the Custom-houso copy of each parcel invoice, which is
           treated by tho Custom? Department as a manifest. The parcels aro delivered to the addressees
           by tho Customs Department on presentation of a delivery order obtained from the postmaster.
             Direxlor-Gcnerol'i circular No. G9, datod tha 16tb   Prepayment of parcels for Baghdad and Basra
           January 1892.                  was made compulsory.
               Inland parcels cannot bo redirected to Baghdad or Basra as they are not accompanied by
             Director-General's circular No. 44, dated tbo 26tb customs declarations in the inland service.
           August 1892.
               142. No provision was mado in this arrangement regarding undeliverable parcels When
           the postmaster at Baghdad applied for return of some of the parcols, the Customs authorities
              * At to previous corroipoodonco too section (vii), paragraphs 266 <1 icq.
              f See chapter V, paragraphs 116 el trq.
              ) As to previous history sco ebsptor XI.
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