Page 287 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
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Chapter XIV. 257
cholera from India into Mesopotamia and its propagation from tho Turkish Asiatic provinces
to Europe. In order, therefore, to prevent ships bound to Basrah from communicating with
the shores of the Shat-cl-Arabbefore undergoing their interrogatory at Basrah, the Constan
tinople Hoard of Health ordered that those vessels should take health guards at Fao, to watch
that this vulo was carried out. No objection was raised by Ilcr Majesty's Government to the
rule and it has boon in force Cor many years.
Sinco efforts, howover, are now being made to open a direct traflio between Mohammerah
(a Persian ports on the Karun river, which empties itself to a large extent into the Shat-cl-
Arab) and British ports, tho question arises whether the practice of shipping health guards at
Fao ought to be maintained or discontinued. The late Sanitary Conference of Paris, instead
of settling the quoslion has perhaps increased ite difficulties, and I know not when and how
it will be arranged.
■With regard-to tho notice issued by Her Majesty’s Consul at Basrah and enclosed in
Colonel Mockler’s despatch of the 11th June 189.'), 1 take tho liberty of reminding Your
Excellency that, the bill-of-hcalth required and accepted by tho Ottoman Sanitary officers in
tho bill-of-healfh granted by the territorial Government of tho port of departure of the ship
and that the sanitary fees established by the Commission to bo levied through
out tho Ottoman Empire are fixed in Turkish piastres ami paras. Tho official tariff takes no
cognisanco whatever of foreign coins. It would therefore bean act of international discour
tesy to order British subjects to pay thorn iu any otlior coin than that established by mutual
(x)—Boarding of British Indian Vessels in search of arms, 1895-96-
408. Oil 3rd October 1S95, tbc Consul at Basrah telegraphed to tho
Secret E., May 1S9P, Nos. 31G-338.
“ British Indian Bag-bias arc invaded by Turkish soldiers under pretoxt of searching boat
for arras. These are urgently required for self-defence. Wnli has directed Commandant to
inform me when ho wishes to make such a search, but this has bad no proper effect.
On 9th January 190G, the Consul wired
Ibid (No. 327).
to the Embassy:—
“ Master of British Indian vessel Faf eli Salamat reports that Turkish soldiers boarded
ship at Fao in search of arms, but induced leave arms by payment two rupees. Have pro
tested Vali, who declines, in absence of special instructions from Constantinople to direct
officials at Fao not to board and search British vessels, without previous intimation to Basrah
409. Sir P. Currie made representations to the Porte in tho matter, hut
without success.
410. In reporting these facts Sir P. Currie to the Foreign Office remarks
(despatch No. 97, dated 2nd February
Ibid (No. 335).
“ The grievance complained of in my notes appear to me to be well founded. Tho Porte
do not deny lhat the Shat-el-Arab is infested by pirates and merely maintain that they aro
Persians. Vessels require arms to dofend themselves against those marauders, and it would
seem that llio weapons confiscated by tho Turkish authorities aro in nearly all casos intended
for this purpose and not for clandestine introduction into the Ottoman dominions; that the
proceedings of the authorities aro arbitrary and vexatious seems also provod by the fact that in
some eases the officials of the llcgie have illegally confiscated tobacco carried for the personal
use of tho ship’s crew.
There can bo no doubt that tho Foreign Mission, Constantinople, have hitherto maintained,
and tho Turks have accepted the principle that foreign merchant ships the Ottoman waters
arc assimilated to foreign domiciles in Ottoman territory and caunot bo bearded without tho
consent of their Consular Kepresentn Fives. Details on this point will be found in Mr. Eliot’s
memorandum enclosed in Sir Arthur Nicolson’s No. 52 to Lord Rosebery of January the 25th,
1894. 1 believe, however, that in a controversy which arose at Zanzibar as to our right of
searching French dhows, Her Majesty’s Government maintained that the term “domicile”
cannot bo laid to apply to vessels. It may therefore bo inexpedient to iusist on tho contrary
interpretation at Constantinople, and I have the honour to requost Your Lordship’s instruc
tions as to tho attitude I should adopt in replying to the Porto's note.”
411. Referring then to tho proposed nppointmont of a British Vice-Consul
at Fao, ho observed :—
“ When this appointment is made it appears to me that I might properly inform the
Porte, in view of the ill-treatiueut to which British India vessels arc exposed whoa searched.