Page 308 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 308

278                      Part III.
                     the British Senior Naval Officer in the Porsian Gulf as above statod. This was
                     accordingly done iu a noto dated 17th January 1903.
                         501.  In a noto dated March 14th, 1904, addressed to tho Porto, Sir
                      Secret e., juno 1901, No*. 600-623 (No. 618, N. O’Conor called attention to the recent
                     Endoioro No. 2).              piracies, and added—
                        "It appears from the complaints whioh reach Ilia Majesty's Consulate at Basrah that tho
                     pilforing of cargo from lighters at anchor at or in sight of that town is of constant occurrence,
                     and shots aro frequently exchanged at night between marauders and the private watchmen
                     placed on board.
                        There is no regular river patrol and the Polico seem unable either to protect the commerce
                     of the port from those attacks or to traco and apprehend tho perpetrators.
                        In bringing theso facts to the knowledge of tho Porto, Ilis Majesty’s Embassy request
                     that effectual measures will he taken to remedy a condition of affairs, which is so detrimental
                     to tho commercial interests and dangerous to tho personal safety of the trading community of
                     Basrah, of which British and Biitish-Indian subjects form so considerable a proportion, and
                     they reserve for the moment the right to present such claims for compensation as may be due to
                     British'Indian subjects for failure to protect them against such piratical and lawless attacks.
                         502.  In 1904, the Merlin kept guard on thoShat-ol-Arab from 19th August
                                                   and was withdrawn in October (?). The
                          Secret E., June 1905, Not. 178-180.
                                                   Redbreast took its place subsequently,
                     but was withdrawn on 2-lth November. • The Sphinx was despatched in
                     December at tho pressing demand of Consul Monahan.
                         503.  Tho Naval Commaiulcr-in-Chief wished to have an explanation why
                     a gun-boat was called for so late as December. This was submitted by the
 ;                   Consul. The following statement is prepared from his report:—
                                                                 Number of Riitish Indian Tend*
                             Year.        Period for wbich gun-boot* detained.  coiuo f.-r evading
 !                                                                       date*.

                     1897- 98            Juno to December 1897           20
                     1898- 99  • • •     September to January 1899
                     1899-00             During date season (period not
                     1900- 01         • • •  September to December 1900 ...
                     1901- 02            (No gun-boat 6ent)
                     1902- 03            September to 81st December      30
                     1903- 04  • ••   • ••
                     1904- 05            August to January      48 (2 in January 26 or 6 in
                        The above explanation showed that tho season for loading boats on the
                     Shat-el-Arab continued up to January and hence the justification for the call
                     for a gun-boat so late as December.
                        604. Referring to this explanation Major Newmarch suggested that the
                    best way to prevent as well ns stop piracy in the Shat-el-Arab would be to
                     station in it a flotilla of small launches, which could penetrate the unsurveyed
                    creeks of cither sliaro and to mako them dependent on a parent ship near
                     Basrah. This preventive and protectivo force could remain in the river from
                    the end of August to the beginning of February or even a long period, if
                        505.  No action has been taken on this proposal.
                        506.  There were two piracies committed on the river in February— March
                        «  . v i1M(! ,            1005. In one a Kowoit boat, which had
                        eo.ei ... Augm ,oi.       been proceeding to Basrah for purchasing
                     rice, was a little way before Basrah, set upon by pirates, the Nakhuda and
                     one of the boat-men killed and the money they had with them robbed.
                         A Bahrein boat (bum), wbich had been proceeding up the river to Basrah,
                     was attacked by some robbers, but the crew escaped.
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