Page 3 - UAE Truncal States_Neat
P. 3


                Longman House,
                Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex

                © Longman Group, 1982
                All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
                stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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                First published 1982
                ISBN 0 582 78032 2

                Set in 10/12 pt Monophoto 2000 Melior
                Printed in Great Britain by Fakenham Press Limited,
                Fakenham, Norfolk
                British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
                Heard - Bey, Frauke
                  From Trucial States to United Arab Emirates.
                  1. United Arab Emirates - Social conditions
                  I. Title
                  953'.5   HN761.T7

                  ISBN 0-582-78032-2
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