Page 46 - Gertrude Bell (H.V.F.Winstone)_Neat
P. 46
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- . ' Pictures
" ... >c. e people. I woililer when all our surroundings,
.. :us acquaintances are changed? Here that which is
" .. womanlike is an enYpty jar that the passer by fills at
-- -* ~-c, s cv wi;h such NVir? as in England I had never
X-.d of...
>oc wc.u to Persia in the ^ c\: :>c: .T her
wu.-.iu Hot once Luscches (whc\>^ - eLt h — r hissador
in Tehran). They went by the ' ^_''g rah r
auu Austria to Constantinople an : .e
Caspian Sea, Gertrude ivaov.'.g n^_ ; j.ho "o
the little: towns which exist too.c - ' See ... sc .t n
1 —
descriptive letters of this h.olx . :*o r ector
above lilies which eaptuuxl o > tr- Ci 5~e
wrote: ‘Ilow big the world is. vx' •\h e CT I:
r; rc
comes to me as ridhulousl\ c:v c*> SC.
—— - —
(iiny my little personality halt tx v^v • - V C\
' s o x>c c: ' :C5
measure with it things tov w ha >•
. \< . :v ;c .
that can ppssibly apply. So nude x'-' '
N\S ' w - c*
I am not me, that is m\ oui\ v\\ - \ N
i you some ol what l have wxcvv ^ x 0-'v, N ■s.
And so she poms om lu \ iwvj \\\ to s'
bccm, even at «t disUtuv ot duv\' - V i 'V'X to.
the cool streams ol Ivluan. ^ ‘
(lowing robes ol given, wb.U\ *. * v \ . H
their veils as slu went pv-n v*' V\d
• ; etation atul the noll\mgUxV|^ ' iv \sl
/und Tehran 1 miles am\ Jttj ita.
, jug, ringed in with bldfli