Page 9 - UAE Truncal States
P. 9

Table of Contents
                Chapter Six: The Social Aspects of the Traditional
                Economy                                                198
                1  The changing occupational and social pattern of
                   Abu Dhabi’s tribesmen                               198
                     The traditional economic basis: desert and sea    198
                     Occupational specialisation in Abu Dhabi          199
                         The impact of the pearl boom                  199
                         Changing populations pattern of Abu Dhabi town  200
                     Entrepreneurs in the Abu Dhabi pearling industry   202
                     The effect of the decline of the pearling industry on
                     the desert tribesmen                              203
                     Alternative sources of income after the Second
                     World War                                         205

               2  The pearling communities in the other Trucial
                   States                                              208

                     The economic structure: interdependence and debts   208
                     Absconding debtors                                211
                         Position of British subjects in disputes over debts  212
                     The status of immigrants                          216
                     The divers’ court                                 217
                     Members of ruling families interfering in the
                     pearling industry                                 218
                     Effects of the declining demand for pearls        219
                     Search for alternative markets for pearls         221
               3   Socio-economic status of the settled population in
                   the oases                                           223

                     Who owns the land?                                223
                     Social stratification in villages                 224
                     Trade in real estate                              225
                     Establishing new gardens                          225
                     Summary                                           226
               4   Side effects of the economic stress                 227
                     The limitations of resources and economic
                     opportunities                                     227
                     Factors leading to raids and maritime ghazu       228

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