Page 66 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 66

54                        Records oj Bahrain


                                                                                      The Palace.
                                                                                       Manama .
                                    nUA^.b, TT                                    January 23, 1948.
                                            _ <                   From
                                              u-o- ^ Li**              Sulman bln Hamad AlKhallfah,

                                                                       H. B. M*s Political Agent,

                                                                  After Compliments:
                           Cz^] 0*        </®WI l/m                    Yesterday wo heard a statement
                           oj-      /Jl i  *\ j I 1   ■k** O*     from Reuters, broadcasted from the
                           0y^>j Oy*JJl ^jVI                      Middle East Broadcasting Station,
                              jl     ypa- Lx>^(j\       IJla      which is British controlled, to

                                                L/^ J-----        the effeot that some person claim­
                                                                  ing to roprosont tho Bahrain
                            oUjJI    *1     -*1 t                National party has been in contact

                                    y I. — .fi»   0*  in y *     with the Government of Persia and
                             e*-     J' ri—   -~^i v      j      has informed members of the
                                        Jl        —i ulr-1       Persian Parliament that the people
                                          •       dL             of Bahrain would like to rejoin
                                                                 Persia as soon as possible.

                             u1 j---- *J> VI I Jl  A 6I               The statement that a person
                             L‘ J ^---—< fj l-----S>*   L        representing tho people of our
                             4       y£*JL J    ^Jl              country has been in touch with
                                * • I—SJU J v                    tho Government of Persia is a lie.

                                     ** C$>-              I      Nobody in Balu'nin oxcopt ourself
                             pJ^*< 1   ^——«J I j I   —_,_>JI     has tho right or tho authority to

                                             cr* 5-------- .WL   speak on behalf of tho inhabitants
                             0                    • j)L---- II   of this country.  Wo roquost tho
                                    -A                                                        2/—
                                                                               receipt.. -
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