Page 114 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 114


                              U                      NEGLECTED ARABIA

                              court-yard.  Men and women both attend and their appreciation of the
                              message is very encouraging.  Attendance has run as high as fifty.”
                                 Dr. Harrison made a tour to Soliar and was impresed bv the possibili- 1
                              lies of the Bottina district which he hopes to tour more extensively next
                                 Tliu Mat rah hospital is located in a rented building, a native hou»c   -
                              which is iiiihuiIhfiivtiMy In many ways. The Mission hopes soon to acquire ■%
                              laud and build a new hospital which "will be the center of a number o(
                              plans for the work's extension.11                       ,
                                 The Women's Dispensary in Muscat lias helped many babies and li i
                              trying to teach the mothers to care properly for their children. Dr. Hos- ' 1
                              mon writes, "It is a work that does bring much reward for the labor
                              bestowed, both from the little smiling glad faces and from the happy par-
                              cnts. Among the cases l recall was a Hindu baby boy brought in from
                              the coast, so nearly starved that he could only take an ounce of food at a
                              time and he was ten months old. His mother had very little milk and fed
                              him on tea. His condition was pitiable when I first saw him. But within
                              two weeks time he had changed into a bright happy baby that could take ~-’t:
                              eight ounces of food every three hours and sleep healthily. Another baby 1
                              was brought in suffering from marasmus and after months of careful feed­
                              ing and splendid nursing she learned to walk and talk.”
                                 Dr. Hosmon made a tour to Kiryat. Of it she remarks, "Judging by |
                              the crowds that came and the earnest appeals to return, again, it seemed *
                              to be the best tour I ever had. People from villages around came and they
                              were the most needy crowd I ever saw. An influential woman came on :*s
                              her camel an eight hours’ journey to meet me. She gave me a sincere *
                              invitation to visit her village. It was a great opportunity to tell such audi* *
                              ences of the Saviour, and one of the brightest spots in that experience *
                              was when after I had read to a group of women I heard one quietly tell
                              her neighbor that her husband had hated to leave that morning to go to
                              another village for he did not want to miss hearing the reading from mv -
                              book.”                                                            V " \
                                 In all of our hospitals dispensary preaching was done regularly and j
                              personal work wuu dune among the in-putienU by the doctors, cvangclliik
                              workers and Bible women and Colporteurs.                     8      ~ "
                                 Gratitude is expressed for the helpful supplies sent by donors of Sew. "•
                              ing Guild boxes. These are always more than welcome.
                                                          STATISTICS                               1
                                                           Muscat  Bahrain  Kuwait   Amarah  T ' *
                              Men's Disp. New cases ..........  2.000   5,703   2.242  2,529  Tou|
                              Men’s Disp. Total treatments .   6.000   23.250   16.012  12,029  12.474 .1,
                              Women’s Disp. New cases        2,188    1.510   4.592   2.323
                              Women's Disp. Total treatments  9,119   8,996   19.528  6.392  104IJ
                              Men’s Outcalls ...........................  409  226     706   KftlS |
                              Women’s Outcalls......................  34  525  355
                              In-patients, men ........................  541   155
                              In-patients, women ....................  56  147  91      32
                              Surg. Operations, men .............  176  677    179
                              Surgical Operations, women __     19     110     313      32    \JM .kj
                              Obstetrics ......................................  4  37         Mi-m

   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119