Page 130 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 130


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                                            NEGLECTED ARABIA                           23

                      the Moslem category of 99 names for God. They know not God the Father
                      nor  His Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind. She writes, “I have
                   r  many friends and great freedom to go in and out of their houses, and some
                      have confided in me where they would not have dared to with their fellow
                      Moslems. Some of them know what my religion does for me and what
                      they lack in Islam. They recognize the genuine t ear from the often
                      mechanical Moslem tear of custom. One is cheered with the honest appre­
                      ciation of some kind word or act given, but it still grieves one to hear them
                   c  say, ‘You are better than the Moslem’ and yet refuse to receive the
                         In each station a Bible Shop was maintained and many visitors were
                   :  reported. Scriptures and educational books were sold. In some cases the
                   !  Colporteurs also sell their books in villages and in special bazaars. The
                      average attendance of the Rusrah Shop visitors was 360 but in August
                      their number was 1,360. All the Colporteurs have done faithful service.
                   £•                                                                              I
                   I     We bespeak your continued prayers for the faithful converts, who         • • i
                                                                                                   t *
                      I hough few In muulicr uluiul out licrc tuul there In the dllTerent BUttluim,
                      that they inny resist temptation and stand linn; nltm for the inquirers who
                   f  arc still searching after the Truth, that they may find it nnd be set free.
                      Pray for the backsliders who have found the cost too great, that they may
                      learn to count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of
                      Christ Jesus. And pray for the missionaries, vour delegates, that they
                   r*  may not grow weary in well/doing nor be discouraged in the face of hos­
                   V  tility or indifference, but in patience await the unfolding of God’s own    i ’
                      plan for the Arabs, “always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch
                      as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

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