Page 136 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 136
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Dr. and Mrs. C. S. G. Mylrea start on their return journey to Arabia . -
this spring, sailing from New York by the American Merchant Line, May ,
23rd. They have both been giving much time during the winter to visit* •• *1
to churches and societies, and have done a great deal to stimulate the inter*.. Yjj
est of the Church in the work of the Arabian Mission.
Dr. S. M. Zwemer, while delivering a course of Lectures during the |
Spring Term at Princeton Theological Seminary, has tfsited many of the v|
churches, making addresses of information and inspiration based upon hi*'
studies and travels in the Moslem world. His last book, “Across the World .
of Islam” was published in January of this year. V:*5
Rev. Bernard Hakkcn, while on his furlough, has spent a term in study
of Islamics at the Kennedy School of Missions, Hartford.
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Rev. Dirk Dykstra, residing at Basrah, has been elected Secretary of - 3
the Mission in the place of Rev. H. A. Bilkert.
Dr. Sarah L. Hosmon is busy carrying out plans for the enlargement iji
of the Women's Dispensary at Muscat, mude possible by a geuorom
from Mr. Lucius K. Kastman, President of Hills Brothers Cotnpauy, pjcw
York, which has large interests in the Persian Gulf.
Miss Mary C. Van Pelt has been bearing heavy responsibilities toward
the medical work of Kuwait during the recent absence of other members of
the Medical staff from that station on furlough. 4
Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Van Peursem, who have been occupying for a 1
number of years the lonely station of Muscat, the southernmost of the Arab
ian Mission, are parting temporarily with their oldest daughter, Gertrud*
who is coming to the United States for the continuance of her education. ^
Rev. and Mrs. George Gosselink, the former having completed a short 3
term of service at Basrah, are hastening their return to Arabia under full I’ve
appointment, in view of the recent death of Rev. PI. A. Bilkert. They sail
from New York in the fall of this year instead of next year as originally' '
Mr. Raymond De Young, nephew of Rev. James E. Moerdyk, has re
ceived appointment to short term service in the High School at Basrah an<|
will proceed to the field in time for the opening of the school this fall