Page 234 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 234
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Miss Charlotte B. Kellien, having happily recovered from an automo-
bile accident in Detroit which caused the postponement of her departure ' j
for the field, sailed from New York, December 21st.
Mrs. H. A. Bilkert, with her children, is now making her home at
426 Wyoming Avenue, Maplewood, N. J.
Mr. Theodore Essebaggers, one time teacher in the Basrah School, is J
taking his theological course at the Biblical Seminary, New York City. *• ;*
Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Zwemer arrived in New York January 9th and
at once proceeded to Princeton, N. J., to take up the duties of his Pro- *
fessorship on History of Religion and Christian Missions at Princeton
Seminary. His address is 48 Mercer Street.
Dr. James Cantine, during Dr. Chamberlain’s absence in Egypt, has ‘
been spending some time in the office at 25 East 22nd Street.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Harrison and Rev. E. E. Calverley are expected to v3
take their regular furloughs in 1930.
Miss Swantina De Young has resigned from the Arabian . Mission to j
become in llic ucur future the wife uf Uov. W. Idris June* of the Keith ^
Fuleuiier Mission of Aden. ;;
Part of the deputation from the Board of Foreign Missions were able, '*K!
en route to the Arabian Mission, to visit the stations of the United Mission >
at Mosul, Bagdad and Hillah. ^
The following new assignments for 1930 were made at the last Annual v
Miss C. Dalenberg—to Amarah.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Storm—to Amarah.
Dr. Esther Barny—to Kuwait.
Dr. M. N. Tiffany—to Bahrain.
Rev. and Mrs. G. Gosselink—to Basrah.
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