Page 264 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 264

XliGl.liCTM) A KAMA                       I.?

                       Kuweit’s best concentrated opportunity for presenting the (iuspel t«»
                          Amaru: l)r. \Y\ J. Muerdyk writes: " 'Labour not lor (hr mral which
                       jicrisJiclh, but for the meat which ciulurcth unto everlastimj life.' John
                       6:27. Sad to me, in my half year’s medical work in Amara before going
                       home on furlough, was the unwelcome conviction that two of our converts
                       in Amara were working for ‘the meat which perisheih,’ jxtsiug as Chris­
                       tians in order to benefit themselves materially. One of these was my
                       dresser in the hospital.
                          “And yet I was encouraged by others who, through contact with us.
                       were learning the true value of things. One of my helpers, when 1 asked
                       him why he continued to work with me, when in so doing he was subjected
                       to criticism, ostracism, and persecution, anil when lie could easily get a
                       position with the Moslems at a greater salary, answered. ’If I really did
                       right i ought to be paying you money instead of you paying me, because
                       l cannot hope to repay you for what you taught me.’
                          “The medical work in Amara has not suffered during the past eight
                       months as a result of the general opposition to our work as missionaries.
                       Financially, we more than supported the hospital. The clinics, both male
                       and female, were large, and the in-patients were increasing in numbers.
                       The people of Amarah and vicinity often expressed their gratitude for the
                       medical help our work made possible, and many were the friends resulting
                       therefrom. And, although the opposition has been severe at limes, we can
                       really say that the medical work is healing the sick, making friends, open­
                       ing the door toYhe hearts of men, and sowing the seeds nf the Ciospel in
                       souls lost in darkness.”
                                              MEDICAL STATISTICS
                                                         Muscat  Jiahreiu  Kuweit     7 ../«»/
                       Men’s Disp. New Cases.......      •1,300    0.000     l.58d    I l..88(i
                       Men's Disp. Total Treatments      13,000   24.353    10,^15   4(i,i »<•/
                       Women's Disp. New Cases .         1,463     1.850    3.107     (i.430
                       Women’s Disp. Total Treatment* ......... 7,731  11.350  K.,235  34.33o
                       Men’s Outcalls .....................         358                 358
                       Women's Outcalls ...............    34       733                 7(X|
                       In-Patients, Men .................           401        00       407
                       In-Patients, Women .........        31       230        (.3      314
                       Surgical Operations, Men ..        ('.37     (.34              l,3i.l
                       Surgical Operations, Women                   138                 138
                       Obstetrics ..............................  5  <»2       16        83
                          (The statistics for Amara were not available when thi* went to press.)
   259   260   261   262   263   264   265   266   267   268   269