Page 320 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 320


                                                NliCUiCTlU) ARABIA                         5

                          dirino of Sheikh Bakar, a string in his hand; he ties the string on the
                          handies uf the mysterious mulberry tree that is beside the fountain. Then,
                          ,1 |,e is nut married, he washes his body in the water of this holy spring;
                          hut if married, he is not entitled to wash his body; it is a sin; he washes
                          niily his face and hands. If he does not find rest, and his fever increases
                          l.e visits more shrines—Abdul Aziz, and Said. Another has a headache;           :
                          lie goes to the shiine of Sheikh Abrus. Another, with rheumatism, visits
                          die house of the Pir at Baadri, where he is cured by simply putting some       t
                          jaliva on him. And so on: many other remedies are sought which do not          «
                          lot the patient, but increase his pains more and more. Is it not necessary
                          io help this miserable people with a doctor who would go and visit them
                         in their houses, who would give them some medicine free and rest them on
                         their suffering beds? Nothing would be more touching to a Yezidi, who
                         has been hated, oppressed, and thought loathesome by his Moslem neigh-       I

                                                                                                      « A



                                                                                                      i 2
                                   GROUP OF WORKERS IN T1IE MOSUL YEZIDI FIELD                           .
                                           Kclaiia stands at riKht end «if upper row.                    t
                         l«ii>, than to show him love, sympathy, and kindness. Helping this poor         l
                         •topic financially and medically is necessary, and is the second step to bring   ■
                         (Ih'iii near to Christ. "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute o?
                         daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed
                         .i,dlillcd; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are neces­
                         sary to the body, what doth it profit?” It is quite true that we must help
                         iIn* Yczidis not by word but by action.                                     ? 1
                           The third way is evangelization. As all of us know, the Yczidis have          :
                         Mime  rays of the true light, though it is involved in the dark curtains of the   -i  ;
                         fulk-lore and fog of their myths and traditions. It can very easily lie made
                         .liar lo them, if they are prepared for it; so it is most ini|>ortant. after
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