Page 342 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 342

PERSONALIA                                 .
                                      Kcv. K. 1£. Calverley, Ph.D., acting under medical advice not to
                                   consider an immediate return to the field, has accepted temporarily an  :S
                                   invitation to assist in the department of Islamics and Arabic in the Kennedy
                                   School of Missions at Hartford.

                                      Dr. C. S. Ci. Mylrea, who has been invalided in Switzerland for a few
                                   mouths, reports definite progress and hopes lo he hack in Arabia soon after
                                   the Annual Meeting in November.
                                      Miss Swanlina l)e Voting was married at Kodaikanal, South India,
                                   on August 28th, to Rev. W. Idris Jones of the Keith Falconer Mission u(   I
                                   the United Scotch Church, located at Aden, Arabia.                 \  t
                                      Miss Cornelia Dalcnbcrg’s health did not permit her to return to the
                                   field in September and Miss Ruth Jackson is also for the present kept at   r
                                   home by the illness of her mother.
                                      The Arabian contingent returning to the field this Kali consisted of
                                   Dr. and Mrs. William J. Moerdyk and children and Rev. James E.      :<
                                   Moerdyk. They were accompanied bv Miss Catherine Akerman, a re­
                                   inforcement for the United Mission.                                 <
                                      'fhe friends of Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Van Peursem, both on the licld f
                                   and at home, were greatly grieved to learn of the sudden death of tilth |   I
                                   oldest son, Gerrit, at Kodaikanal, August 17th.
                                      Dr. Wells Thoms and wife, recent appointees to Arabia, are taking
                                   medical courses preparatory to setting out for the field early next year.  .

                                      Rev. S. M. Zwemer, D.D., was on October 1st induced into the Chau
                                   of History of Religion and Christian Missions at Princeton Theological

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