Page 376 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 376


                                       NOTES AND PERSONALIA

                          Lev. and Mrs. Van Peursem’s furlough lias been slightly antedated fg(
                      health reasons. They will be spending the winter in Switzerland (care
                      American Express, Montreux), expecting to arrive in ibis country about

                          Miss Cornelia I )alenberg’s health is steadily improving and she h
                      planning for an early return to the field.

                          Dr. and Mrs. Wells Thoms hope to leave for Arabia some time in

                          Uev. and Mrs. John Badeau are taking up a permanent evangelistic
                      appointment at Baghdad. They are gladened in the coming o| Jeanne
                      Hathaway, born October 28.

                          Uev. James Canline has been spending some time in the New York
                      office helping the men from the field now at home on furlough to get in
                      touch with the churches of the Eastern Classes.

                         Dr. Uaul Harrison is traveling throughout the Church arousing interest
                      and enthusiasm, lie is also api>ealiug to individuals lor special gilts of
                      one hundred dollars each to help maintain our work. Up to the present
                      nearly two hundred have responded. During the month of March lie h
                      to travel for the Student Volunteer Movement.

                         The Week of Prayer with which we begin the New N ear is printol
                      by the “Fellowship of Faith for Moslems,” 85 Highbury New Bark,

                          Bhe book quoted from in Dr. Zwemer’s article is "Bahrein au«l
                      Hemamieh,” by Ernest Mackey, Lankester Harding and Flinders Petrie,

                         The poem "Abraham and Ishmael” is taken from the "W oman’s Maga­
                      zine” of May. 1930, published by the Ueligious Tract Society. London.


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