Page 404 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 404


                  M         ISS FANNY LLITTON and Miss Cornelia Dalenherg leave
                             New York, March 31, en route to Aniarah, Iraq, Miss Button
                             as Fmeritus Missionary and Miss Dalenberg quite recovered i
                             from the illness that brought her to the homeland.

                     Dr. and Mrs. Wells Thoms, the latest recruits for Arabia, sailed from
                 New York March 5, to pursue their language study in Palestine until after
                 the hot season.

                     Rev. Ci. I). Van Peursem and family after spending the first mouths
                 of their furlough in Switzerland arrived in America, March \lK

                     Miss M. C. Van Pelt is also due to arrive home this Spring.

                     Rev. James E. Moerdyk has been elected as the Arabia-1 raq member
                 of the Near East Christian Council, and Rev. F. J. Barny has been ap­
                 pointed a delegate to the April meeting of this organization to be held in

                     Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Barny of Baghdad will take their furlough this
                 year, stopping in Switzerland for a few weeks where they hope to lx: joined
                 by both their children.

                     Mrs. May Del*. Thoms will also be coming home from Baghdad; a
                 proposed stop over at Jerusalem to visit her son, Wells, may delay her
                 arrival until late summer.

                    Our entire Mission circle has been much saddened by the death of
                Raymond De Young on Dec. 31st, after a very brief illness. A tribute
                to Mr. De Young by one      of his colleagues will appear in our next number.
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