Page 420 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 420

8                          xiicuicrni) AK.-wi.i

             not sincere in any thing he did lie had an abhorrence of the double r,
             He seen too much of duplicity. 1 le was justly pmud of bones v
             frankness.                                                           Ml
                 Aside from giving himself body and soul to the cause of h-sus Cl •
             Marash has made a large contribution to the kingdom in Arabia w . | '
             in his life demonstrated lo his friends the Moslems the" possibility'll
             Moslem hccoiiimg a Christian. I le visibly illustrated that genuine good, ‘
             and piety increased rather than decreased, with the surrender of u.
             and his embracing of Christianity, llis friends say, if this expericiic«'"
             peculiar to one, it may come to a hundred or more. That .Marash \v"
             definitely known as a Christian appeared on the day of his burial. I?'
             brother, a fanatic Moslem, insisted that this be a Moslem funeral; \\^
             no Christian assist or participate in any of its rites. Even though i|lc
             deceased had been kept by the church for a year, an insistence on a buria!
             in a Christian cemetery at this time, would have been unchristian. So ilK
             brother proceeded. 1 le sent to the nearest mosque for a bier, and iud-
             dentally asked the Mullah to come and wash the body. The liicr waste-
             fused, and the Mullah objected to administer the last act of purification
             The bier is reserved for Moslems only, and lie refused lest it lie furtvti
             polluted by the dead body of a Christian. And this Christian had been j
             Moslem and renounced the Religion of the Prophet. The brother, quju
             beside himself, struggled till in vain to persuade the community that Marash
             after all was not a Christian. Finally when fear arose that a corpse miglu
             remain unburied in the town, the order came from the heir apparent-,
             the son of the Sultan, that a bier he produced and that the cereniunio
             continue. Even then less than a half a dozen followed in the proccssiuu.
             some of whom, poor men of course, the missionaries had promised re­
             muneration for digging the grave, and lending a helping hand. And *
             the body was laid to rest by Moslem hands m a Moslem cemetery, quite
             a-ainst the wishes of the departed or his young wife; laid to ust with,
             Moslem prayer for there were none to pray; without a Uuislian piayti
             because this was denied. Whatever doubt there might have been as t»
             how our brother Christian classified in life, there was no doubt at wlut
             people thought lit this <lentli.  Marash was known in the town as Tin
             Christian!                    .  ...   . crown is this that lie led lii,
                And the ghttermg star^ in *^ V ninatient and irresponsive as *
            young wife to Jesus Christ. l\U *  •          ^ This resulted in as line4
            was. he led her gently m the pat 1 \ t0 her in life, she u.iU;
             Christian family as I ever hope to s •              ^ confession in deaik
             for him in sickness and proved true:          ^ ite hot, in the face ».t
             On the very day of death, when *™aliu              } ..wilh my husband!
            a crowd of unsympathetic                 ™ shnpio, hut elTeelive and aiU
            became a Christian.                  !. All(| Slich are the       a,mala,<
            he received the great \Ve { °11^ making many rich.

                                I hold not its silver nor gold.
                                                            arc  mine.
                                1!i“ '"“XiS'rf1X'
                                1 have
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