Page 448 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 448

6                         XliUUiCTlil) AKA HI A

                Some of the relatives wanted to retain me, but others insisted that I lJe
                sold, so they might get their share of the inheritance in cash. The upshot
                was, that I was sold, and that to some tribes to the north, not nearly as
                civilized as the tribe to which I first belonged.
                   “After about two years, I was sold again, this lime to a man who was
                soon going on the 1 lajj to Mckka. lie asked me if 1 would accompany
                him, on condition that he would set me free upon completion of the 1 lajj.
                This 1 was glad to do. Hut once more I was deceived, tor as soon as llm
                ceremonies were completed, he sold me to one of the negroes, or aghas, that
                have charge of the Kaaba. With him 1 remained for some three years.
                At last one of tlte slavegirls in his establishment got to reviling me so


                                               THE PATIENT

                much and making my life so miserable, that 1 insisted upon my master
                selling me. So he disposed of me to a man from Kuwait. It was in the
                days of the famous sheikh Mubarik that I arrived there. I hit my stay there
                was short, since my master met a slavedealer from Dohah (about UK-) utiles
                southeast of Bahrein), who was on the lookout lor hoy slaves. Since he
                could find no boys just then, he bought me, and took me to Dohah in a
                boat, where he sold me at a very handsome profit.
                    “In Katar, of which Dohah is the main city. I remained some 20.year*
                —possibly 50—I don’t know exactly. The Katar people are certainly very
                hard on their slaves. Not infrequently they flog one to death. All sum.
                mer I had to dive, and as soon as the dive was over, 1 was handed an axe
                and forced to spend the cool months chopping desert shrubs for firewood.
                Our food was of the very coarsest and poorest.
                    “Again trouble over a woman caused my sale. My master and his
                cousin both wanted to marry the same woman. So it ended by my master

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