Page 47 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 47



                                    v *welcome Guests
                                    Dr. W. Harold Storm
              Note.—Dr. Storm went out to Arabia in 1927 and is still engaged in language       i
            jjudy. The phenomenon which he describes in this article is observable in Oman
            aUo» but as the attack in Kuwait was on a much larger scale, Dr. Storm’s interesting
            fcjcription of’it is included in this number which is primarily devoted to the work   .*
             Oman.—Ed.                                                                             !•.
            0     NE morning last February we noticed in the sky a dark object                  . «•
                   off to the southwest. It was moving very slowly towards us and
                   as it came nearer and nearer, the exact straightness of its outline
                   increased. The closer it approached, the more it looked like a                • \ •
            £rk cloud in the sky as seen before a thunder shower. When it was near                 • •  ;
            joough for us to distinguish details, we found out to our amazement that *          ' .
            it was made up of myriads of moving objects, shaped like tiny aeroplanes. ~
            \Ve were to experience an attack on the city from the air, not by aeroplanes,
                                                                                                   ' i

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                                                                                                  9 : ’
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           i                        CATCHING LOCUSTS IN NETS
            fct by locusts in numbers such as had not been seen in Kuwait for years.
            ■The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands.” Prov.          '\
            JQ-27. At first they seemed to be advancing noiselessly, but not so, for
            £cir arrival brought a  regular bedlam of noise caused by the flapping •
            ^millions of wings. “Like the noise of chariots on the tops-of mountains            :
                                                                                                  a. I
             ^aU they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble,
            gi itrong people set In battle aray.” Joel 2:5.
              The buildings, the ground, the air, everything and every place were                  :
             pvered and filled with them. They beat against the face almost like hail

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