Page 59 - The Origins of the United Arab Emirates
P. 59


                   The Challenge lo Power: Brother, Nephew and Son  35

                                    'Table 2
                               Rulers of Abu Dhabi

          Ruler              Dates of rule Length   Relationship  Termination
                                         of rule   lo       of rule
                                         (years)  predecessor

          Tahnun bin Shakhhut   1818-1833   >5              killed
          Khalifah bin Shakhbut   1833-1845   12  brother   killed*
          Sa'id bin Talinun   1845 '855   10    nephew      deposed
          Zayid bin Khalifah   «855-'909   46   cousin      natural death
          Talinun bin Zayid   19°9"1912   3     son         natural death
          Hamdan bin Zayid    1912-1922   10    brother     killed
          Sultan bin Zayid    1922-1926   4     brother     killed
          Saqr bin Zayid      1926-1928   2     brother     killed
          Shakhbut bin Sultan   1928-1966   3«  nephew      deposed
          Zayid bin Sultan    1966-             brother
          * Not killed by his successor

         of Ajman and Umm al-Qaiwain is not entirely coincidental; and
         in this explanations for the pattern can be sought.
           In the course of their history Abu Dhabi and Sharjah have
         had much in common. For a long time they were rivals for the
         leading position on the Coast, and as such they needed forces
         to control their extensive territories. During the nineteenth century
         their rivalry often erupted into violence. Both shaykhdoms accepted
         force as a way of life: as the only means for ensuring their survival,
         in face of their enemies; and as the arbiter of the shaykhdom’s

                                     Table 3
                                 Rulers of Sharjah

          Ruler               Dates of rule Length   Relationship  Termination
                                         of rule   to       of rule
                                         (years) predecessor
          Sultan bin Saqr     1803-1866  63                 natural death
          Khalid bin Sultan   1866-1868   2      son        killed in
          Salim bin Sultan    1868-1883   15     brother    deposed
          Saqr bin Khalid     1883-1914   3i     nephew     natural death
          Khalid bin Ahmad    1914-1924   10     cousin     deposed
          Sultan bin Saqr     1924-1951   27     nephew     natural death
          Saqr bin Sultan     195*“>985   14     son        deposed
          Khalid bin Muhammad   i965-»97>   6    cousin     killed
          Sultan bin Muhammad  1971-             brother
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