Page 66 - The Origins of the United Arab Emirates
P. 66

42              The Origins of the United Arab Emirates
              and in
                   ,lrlri935 ic Senior Naval Officer remarked, ‘Gross in person
                          nUy .lack,nS 111 intelligence, the Shaikh has certainly
              the least attractive personality on the Coast___ Despite these
              !"' T,nrS| ,rcma.rks> LAhmad managed to maintain a secure and
              peaceful hold on his shaykhdom.
                Ahmad remained a strong and able ruler, always enjoying the
              popularity of his people. He consulted a majlis before making any
              major decisions, especially when they concerned foreign affairs; the
              leading members of the majlis were his brothers-in-law ‘Abdallah
              bin Sa‘id and ‘Abdallah bin Nasir, his brother ‘Ali bin Rashid,
              and Ahmad bin Ibrahim, brother of his predecessor. He was extremely
              wealthy, and as such showed himself primarily concerned with

                                     ZAYID BIN KHALIFAH

               Khalifah TAHNUN     Said SAQR HAMDAN SULTAN Muhammad
                         (1909-12)        (1926-8)   (1912-22)   (1922-6)

              Muhammad            Dhiyab      SHAKHBUT Hazza‘ ZAYID Khalid
                                               (1928-66)        (1966-  )

              Figure 2   Abu Dhabi, ruling family: members involved in dynastic
               struggles following the death of Zayid bin Khalifah

              his investments in the pearl trade; but he   was  also by nature
              a nervous man     and rarely ventured outside the shelter ol his
                                  of his family is sufficient to make a bolder
              fort. ‘The history
              man   than hestnae™“*t may be appiied to the rulers of Abu Dhabi
                 The same
              in the 1Q20S. Within a period of sixteen years, four rulers came
                         as a result of murder. (See Table 2 and Figure 2.)
              to power
                           nr 7avid bin Khalifah was the starting point. The
              The   death " >            the eldest of whom, Khalifah, did not
              old ruler had seven sons,        with the role of kingmaker; so
              wish to succeed, Wng conWJ three years until he died peacefully.
              Tahnun, the second son rule           V       was thc first in a
              Thc next ruler, Hamdan’               put to an end violently by
              number whose tenure P              apparent reason for his murder
              f Ts' ZtZsllM In August ,9« was his oppressiveness; he
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