Page 187 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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AND  MUSCAT I’OI.ITK Al. AOKNCY FOH Tilt YF.A It 1875-70.   37
                                        No. 0.
       Statement showing exports from the Province of Sind and its chief port, Kurrachcc,
                  to the Persian (lulf during the years 1870-71 to 1874-75.

                              INDIAN PUODCCK AND MANUFACTURES.

                                 Phovincr or Stun.         Cniar pout, Kubraojikk.
          PlINCIPAt. AND OT1IKB
                          1H70-71.  1871-72  1872-73. 1873-71. 1871-76. 1H70-71.  1871-72.  1872-73. 1873-74. :1874-76.
                         i     .
                           lit.  It*.  it*  lit.  Jh.  Xt.   St.   St.  St.  St.
                         . j   1.681:  300   624  015   73   1,681  300  621  016  73
        flK'raw •       ... ,                 000   1,186                Ooo   1,186
        Colton, manufacture* or   1.87i»!   "2.003   3,076  4.H1I0I   6.20 *  l.«70  2,003  3,076  4.800   6.204
        prucs and mcdicluca   ...I   2.728]   4.702'   3,333  3,6 Pi   2.2CH  2,728  4,702  3,233  3.6*6   2,208
        D«c5. indigo    ... 6,30,170! 1,02,836 1,80,467  2,80,4.12 1,07.057 6.30,170  1,02,835 1,80,457  2,80,432  1,07,067
        Other sort*     - I 11m    105'       ...  1 0)  100   106             140
        Gram aud pulse ...  63,670   8,26,027. 1,35.201  01,012 1,00.608   63.670,   8,20,033  1,33,028  00,261. 1,00.608
        Hi,Us aud skins ...   6,7lo   3,606   1,836  '} nUll A H7'l  6.710   3,606  1.855  2,(V.S   4.073
        juic, manufactures of   12,0*6       6,147  10.726  12.0*6      6,147   10.726
        Lae                 1.600   711  602       l H15  1,600;  711  658     006
        oils ...           81.411   46.5001  76.703  60.020   68.273  81,4*4   45,600  76,703  60,140  68,273
        Seed* ...           2.0lo       6,.'8i  4.011  3,20**  2,010.   0,808  6.102  4,620  3.2O0
        Spices ...           678   70s  2,008  7"  651  678    70s  2,1010  To  Ml
        Tea                  118    76   825  601  141  1 18    76  826   601  141
        All other Articles ..  11,221  10,648  6,830  7.014   18,006  11,224  10,618  6,830  7,(il*  18,006
                 T0l.1l   7,11,740  10,03,073 4,14.715 1.01,081 4.00,247 7.14,7 U) 10,58.070 4,13.270 4,60,168 4,00,217

                                    FOREIGN MERCHANDIZE.
                                    Pkovinck or Sind.       COIRP PORT, KCBHACnHB.
        PRINCIPAL AND OTnBB ARTICLRB.                 ’I
                             1870-71. :1371-72. 1872-73. 1873-74. 1871-76. 1870-71. 1871-72.  1872-73. 1873-74. 1874-76.
                                  ■                         I
                              St.  St.   St.  St.  St.  St.   St.  St.  St.   St
        Apparel                                     1,230                      1.238
        Onion, manufactures of   33,717.  12.213  31,317  20.110  13,816  33,747]  12,213  34.317  20.116  13,816
        Liquors                6,220!  8,«»fll!   3,003  6,147  6.304  6,220i   8,010  3,003  6,147  0.304
        Metals, wrought         0.8   1,704  85  132  6.313  08'   1,701  86  132  6.343
        Prussians aud oilman stores  6,620   3,208  413  1,776  6,151  6,620j   3,208  413  1,776  6,161
                                         1,700                      1,700
        »° ol*ier saccharine matter.    18  3.717                  18  3.717
        AH other articles      6,600  3,801  1,680  3,317  6.801  6.G06  3,804  1,686  8,317  6.804
                 Total. .     60,097  29.113  41,204  39,605  42.401  60.097  29,113  41.201  30,606  42,401
                              71,200  13,310  63,090  1,25,776  47.876  71,200  13,340  63,006 1,26,776  47,876
                 Grand Total  1.21.207  42,453  91,300  1,05,280  00,300 1,21,207  42,453  94.300 1.66,280   00,306

           extract from the Annual Stuleuu-nt of Iho Trade and Navigation of the Provluce of Sind for the rear 1874-76.]
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