Page 247 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 247

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                                       CONTENTS.                          Hi
                                       PART III.
             Administration Report of the Political Agency, Muscat, for tbo year 1870-77 ...   76
             Political                                                   16.
             Slave-trade. Naval. Resources and Trade. Productions        78
             Agriculture ...      •••     •••                            79
             Industries                                                  80
             Fisheries. Trade     ...     ...      ...                   81

                                       PART IV.
             Table showing average tonnage of vessels entering or leaving the port of
                 Muscat during twelve months, 187G-77                    83
             Exports. Estimate for the 3’ear 187G-77                     Si
            Imports. Estimate for the year 1876-77 ...                   86
            Contrasted Statement showing tho number of vessels entering and leaving the
                 port of Muscat                             ...          90
            Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported from
                 Muscat                                                  91
            Contrasted Statement showing the value aud description of goods imported into
                 Muscat                                                  92
                                       PART V.
            Medical Topography of Muscat by Surgeon A. S. G. Jayakar     96
            Geology                                                      ib.
            Climate                                                      97
            Water supply. Food                                          100
            Sanitation. Population                                      101
            Dwellings and Street*                                       104
            Prevailing disease*
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