Page 291 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 291

year 1870-77.      43
                                        No. 10.
             Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported
                            into Bush ire during the years 1875-76.
                                                Fob ms mu
                                                              Incrc.vo la   Decrease la
                           Cubs.                               137*    1670.
                                                1075.   1876.
                                                 Rt.     Ht.     R$.     l>u
             Animal, living                      4.000   4,300          9,000
             Arm.'and ammunition                15,70)   6.S00          21,170
             Candles ...                        30,170   0,000           1.750
             Canvas, country                             3,000           1,300
             Cattle                              1,300   30.000   200
             Cliunarn and lime                  20.500   0,000          3,700
             Clock* and watches ...                                     55,500
             Coal                               65.600   1,200            COO
             Cocoanuts                          ' 1,600  1,200   i',200
             Coffee                             ■ii‘,170  20,430   3,100  23.7W
             Coir and coir-ropc                  4.000        
             Confectionery                      13,2-»   3,200
             Cotton poods                      18.95.800  20.21.000  1,28.200  1.0^000
             Ma-ilipataru piece-goods          1.72.000  70.000
             Thvad ami twist                   1.93.000  81.1O0  'iooo  1,13,000
             Cotton, raw                                 4.000
             Dates                              32.200  50.000  17,740
                                                 2.000    1<>0
             Dat(jol<x ...                       1,380   4.000   *620
             Dyeing and coloring materials       3,500   4/00     500
             Drugs and medicines...             21,300  23,780   4,280
             Kaxthca-warc                        1,300   5.200   3,900
             Fruits and vegetables               4,CO)   11,800  7/>C0  231280
             Fuel                               43.VX)   20,120
             Furnitnre ...                       5.2-10   3.000          2,200
             Cliss and glass-ware ...            8,630  18,118   9.768
             Hold thread                          GOT
             Cold embroidered cloth              3. VO                   3.000
             tiold lave ...                      2.30i)                  2.SO
             tJraiu and pulse                    11.0')   8..VX)         3,100
             IIM -s auJ hkins                    K'.VO   9.6-10   TOO
             Indigo                             7,34.1-.. >   2,115,000  6,22,OX)
             ditto, manufactures of              8,5.10   01,000  82.500
             Lather, manufactures of             1,7«s)   tv*)           1,100
             L m.-ns. dry                        l,2i«»  3,<»k)  l^aOO
             l.n:c:i juice                        3 wi    100             220
             l.t>|u«rs ...                      24.5-0  35/rfY)  6,500
             l.ucifcrs                           2.050   2.0-X)           030
             Mat*                                0.730  10.-31O  9.430
             «-:»!• ............                4.27.S75  4,G9,C00  41.725
             Mill stones...                       3-X)                    300
             Oil                                 13,730  6.400           4,900
             Opium                                       3,0 X)  3,030
             Perfumery .                         1.0-0    100            i^soo
             I'onvlain »Dd Chinaware             19..VO  32.i «Y)   13.500
             Provision and uiluun stores        38.S30  30,330  17.500
             bah                                 1,030    HOO            1,060
             feltgclrc ...                        700    2.500   1.800
             No                                  2.100    6G0    1,240
             Nik. manufactures of...
             t*|'Urt ...   ...                  45.000  1,19,500  7*700  4,600
             htationcry ..                       8.C00   6,100           3,200
             bugar-vaudy                        lfl.tXO  3,000          13.000
              M crushed
              *. loaf                           42.250  30.000          42.230
              *. soft ...                      0,70.200  6,60,475       11,725
                                                 1,330    GOO     750
                    :: :::                     1,06,730  27,830         78,900
               - manufactures of                 8.0)0                   6,100
             Timber and wood                     2.250          1*800    2,250
             " ...                          16,200  27.000
             Wool                                1,300    460             840
             Woolle® goods                     1.20,0:0         ti A50   7.600
             tHher kinds                               1,41,400
                                                34,900  23,430          1*470
                                   Total       60.0*025  44,16,9!*  4,89.688  11,29,729
                                   Specie       76.800  1.0O,(XO  1.03^00
                           flrand Total Rupees  51,56,025  4\fl6j»S9  *.7**-3  11W29
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