Page 316 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 316

                                                  No 23.

                       Contrasted Statement thawing (he value and description of goods imported
                                     into Bahrein during the year 1875-76.

                                                          For the year
                                                                       Increase in  Decrease (■
                                                                        1876.   1879.
                                                         1876.   1S76.

                                                         E*.     Jit.    R*.     R*.
                      Anlma.a, liriof                             27.500          2,100
                      Apparel                              1.125  1.150     25
                      Arm* and ammunition                 3,175   7.75.)  4.575
                      Candles                             7i:S     2-0            Mi
                      Cattle                                      48,5*10        21, Tut)
                      Chtmtm and lime                     0,000   C.ftni)
                      Cl.n k* and watches ...                     1,000    100
                      Co-uanuts                            7"0     725      25
                      Coffee                             1,12/XO   1.15.000  3,000
                      Coir and colrrops                   in.noo   10.250   250
                      Cotton iroods                      3,3*.i.vO   3.85,500  45.700
                           raw                            35.2«tt   35.0TO         300
                      Dates                              1,20,* a a)   1.20.000
                      DateJoJce                           1M»)    15.0.X)  200
                      Dmn and medicines ...               3.73>   4.G35    015
                      Jt.rir ? and (r.l'-urtnjr materials   P/J25   10. VO  175
                      Fruit* and Tr^ctablce               1«» 750   11.250   5*0
                      Fnrl   ..    ...                    48.25*)   H.nrt)  1,750
                      ftlaU                               3,i 0*1   3 ,<•.'/)
                      t«*•!«! thread                      3.**w*                  VO
                      Ftul.r*v:d» red cluth               3.-:0   3.5* ■)         30
                      Ci isa and pulse               • l  «,s i.jea   6,03.7.0   17,2-55
                          I’rT*:a                          12.*.   125
                      11: !.* ar.d *klr.s                 6*1.*» O                 cw
                      1                                   15,*«0  15..'»)
                      La'.y.rr, ira.vifjcmrfi* of         1, ****)  1.3.0
                      L«t- n«, dry, and Jiiue juice       2, VO     .»»
                      l.u.-ifers                                  2. VO            50
                      Mats                                6.370   O.VO
                             ..............               22,350  21.250
                      Oils                                22.150  60>O
                      Opium                                65*)    850
                      Perfumery                           lO.'-o   in.oo           3»
                      Pvrolsia and China** are            4.50)   5.r»o
                      Pr <v:a;wn* and oilman atores      2.55.-O)   2,31.250     24.00
                      Halt                                1.2-*)   1,0*0           2u0
                      Ha'.’jctro ...                      1.1*0   1.200
                      hec                                 2.225   17.22*)
                      Silk, manufactures of               47/0)   45.5*0          1,500
                       m raw ...                          7.5*0   7.0^0            00
                      Spires                              22.^0                   8^50
                      Stationery ...                      3.710   13.S.V)          750
                      Sojar-cacdy                         3.00    f.ow            LOOT
                        m loaf                             775     15*)            62A
                          soft ...                        22,5*0                  3.150
                      Tallow                             1,40,00)  1.15.000      25.000
                      Te*                                   100    100
                      Tobacew                            1 .ns.nuo
                      Timber sad wood                     39.200  23.000
                      S3  bees ...                         200
                      Woollen (roods                      20.000  16.000
                      All other kinds not included shore   £00    7,030   6,630
                                          Total ...     23.66,190  23,14,670   W 1»  . 1.4M*
                                           Specie ...    7.00,000  6,67 .000    IJ&.000
                                  Grand Total Kopec* ...  31,28,130  30/11,970  W®
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