Page 323 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 323

                                                    THE YEAR 1876-77.     75
                        MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR
                                         No. 29.
              Contrasted Statement shoving the value aiul description of goods exported
                     the drab Coast in the Persian Gulf during the years 1875-70.
                                                  For the jear
                                                              Increase   Pecreiao
                           Cut*.                              la 1(*70.  la ls7J.
                                                1375.   1376.
                                                         S$.    Si.     St.
              AminaU, living                             5,950             Of
              Caille                                     3,700  ”*1,113   300
              I>ale rtnnea                               2.7CO
              |M«'inir and colouring material*.          1,600    sea
              Kvrtbcn-ware                                7-0     120
              Furl                                       ss
              I!idea and .kina   ...                             1,301
              Jute, manufactures of                              0,513
              Oil— fi.h ...   m   •                                      6,000
              J'rvvMfU a:id oilman store                         30.953
              Shark fir.a .-..                                   1.COO
              Ti:nb» r and wool   ...   .                10,m           ***'i’coo
              Wax. btff ...   ...                         GX)     SCO
              Wool, nannfactarcs of                       2,000         ""i’.zia
              ShclU (rrotbcr-o'-ponrl)                    1,300   BOO
              Vegetable* and fruit* ...                   6,000  2.000
              All other *urts cot included above          1,000          4.7CO
                                    Total        05.C52  1.23.320  49.570  15,3-03
                                    Pearl*      11,90,000  10,00,000    ■4,00.000
                                Grand Total     15,93,052  11,23,320  13.C73  6.05.003
                                         No. 30,
              Table r/.'.triitj average cf vends entering and leaving Arab Coast cf
                       Ike Fenian Gulf daring the licelve month s in 1376.
                                   Class A.—European.
                                     )>  B.—Native Craft.

                                                       Average  Average  Total
                           Where trading or description.
               i                                       number.  tonnage.  average
              <1  None ...

                . r  India...
               t I                                        80     lie     3.480
               J I ' Mnaeat and dependence* ...
                I                                         243     4B    lift*
              c J < j Pm,» Co«t and Mckraa...             m       33
               5 j; Du.reb, Koweit, and Katcef
                                                          et      71     4**
                  Arab Coaat, Peraiaa Gul^ Bahrria ...
                                                          353     81    11JD03
                                           Total          ere           35,668
   318   319   320   321   322   323   324   325   326   327   328