Page 340 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 340

                  Contrasted Statement shoicing the value and description of goods imported
                                             into Muscat.
                                   Estimate for the year 1870-77.

                                               For THE OFFICIAL YEAR
                    a                                            Increnso  Decrease
                    2           Class.                             in       in
                    u,                                           187G-77.  1870-77.
                                                1876-70.  187G-77.

                                               Dollar*.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollar*.
                         Hire (Bengal) ...      500,000   324,000          17G.00O
                        Ilice (Malabar)          32,(XX)   1,000            31,(XX)
                        Rice (Red)                 200      600      300
                        Sugar                    70.000   37,200            32,800
                        Silk goods               25.000   14,(XX)           11,000
                        Gooraccoo                  (XX)     400               200
                        Musk                      2,500    2.500
                        Ale**s wood               3,000    9.000    0,000
                        Cotton stuffs ...       200, <XX)   191,000         6,000
                        Cotton cloth (blue)      30.00C   19.000            11,000
                        Thread                   45.000   60.000   11,000
                        Broad cloth               1,600     750               750
                        Copper                    1,200    5,000    3,800
                        Damaged cotton            l,2O0     COO               600
                        Wax candles ...            200      200
                        Surrungco                  8<X)     650               150
                       | Indigo                   2, (XX)   1,800             200
                       I | Pur wan                 250      100               150
                       i Swevl Oil               65,000   42.000            13,000
                        Coffee                   31,0n<)  27.000             7,000
                    -i  IVpl’er                   G,(XX)   3,000            2,100
                    c   Gunny                     1.500     3(X)             1,200
                    * *  Turmeric                 4.500    3,200             1,300
                        .Spice                    2,5‘X)   6.CXX)   3,500
                        Sugar-candy ...           1.700     550              1,160
                        Rope                      2.500     800              1,700
                        Ironware                  3, (XX)   3,500    500
                        Frankincense ...          1,900    2.100     200
                        Tin and Lead ...          4.000    3.500              500
                        Cinnamon                  2,400    1,200             1,200
                        Saffron                   3.000    4.500    1,600
                        Gold thread ...           2.000    1,000            1,000
                        Wood                      4.000    4.000
                        Turkey red ...            6.000    5.000
                        Semscm oil
                        Alum                       400      250               150
                        Monkey nuts ...           1,500     900               600
                        Urn        ...            1,000    1,600     500
                        Bajre#                     700      250               450
                        Tea                         60       50
                        Sandal-wood chips          800     1,200     400
                        Wines, spirits & molt liquo  8,000  5,000           3,000
                        Oil seeds                  400      125               275
                        Dry ooooanuts ...          700      750       50
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