Page 466 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 466

                                                      Ko. 18.

                          Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported
                                     from Bunder Abbass during the gears 1376-77.

                                                          Foil T1IR YKAK3
                                                                           Incrcaso  Decreaso
                                       CLAB8.                                in      in
                                                                            1377.   1877.
                                                          1876.    1877.

                                                           St.     St.      St.      St.
                         AniuiaK living ...                        53.700   63,700
                         Anns and ammunition ...           25.7S0   1,010            24,710
                          Candles    ...                            2,000    2,000
                          Canvas country ...                 600                       500
                          Clods and watches                  250     120               130
                          Cocoa nuts   ...                   600     320               2S0
                          Coffoe                           6,000    1,500            4,500
                          Confectionery                      500     900      400
                          Cotton and cotton goods        1,52,500  1.85,000  32.5CQ
                          Dates                            57.000   50.000           7.000
                          Drugs and medicines             87,691   G7.255            20,439
                          Dyeing and colouring materials  1,19,000  90,600           19,400
                          Fruits and vegetables   "...   1,00.800  98.000            62.800
                          Fuel                             2,000                     2.000
                          Glass                            2,700    5,000    2,300
                          Gold embroidered cloth, Ac....     500    1,600    1,100
                          Grain and p:i1*e ...   ...       11.000   8.000            6,000
                          Hides and skins ...              1,800    5,600    3,S00
                          Indigo                           62,000  24,400            41,600
                          Leather, manufactures of         3.200                     3,200
                          Lemon juice                      2.200    2,000              200
                          Lucifera   ...                            2,400    2,100
                          Metals     ...    ...            36,800  60.500   23,700
                          Millstone                                 1,000    1,000
                          Oil                               1,860                     1,860
                          Opium                            40.000  15,00,000  14.6p.000
                          Porcelain and Chinaware          4,000    1,000             3,000
                          Provision and oilman stores      80.000  10,000            60,000
                          Saltpetre                                 2,000    2,000
                          Seeds                            18,400   2,800            15.600
                          Silk, and manufactures of                56.000   66,000
                          Spices                           81,050  33.000    1,950
                          Stationery   •••                 2,000    1,000             1.000
                          8ugar                            63,100  2,31,700  1,73,600
                          Tallow                             450                       450
                          Tea ...                                   6,800   ’’*6,800  MS***
                          Tobacco    • ••                  13,000  12,000             1.000
                          Wool                           2,50,000  40,000          2,10,000
                            m manufactures of              18,600  89,600   71.000

                                       Total         • ••  12,56,884  24,14^35  1*94,260  7.3*603
                                       Specie             t.ltfiOO          M..M

                                  Grand Total        fee  14,72,884  24,14,635  18^4,250
   461   462   463   464   465   466   467   468   469   470   471