Page 488 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 488

                                                   No. 28.
                        Con traded Statement showing the value and description of goods exported
                                     from Bahrein during the gears 1870-77.

                                                         Fob the years
                                                                         Increase Decrease
                                    Class.                                 in      in
                                                                          1877.   1877.
                                                         187 G.   1877.
                                                          Rt.      JU.     Rs.     Rt.

                        Animals                          12,000   25,000  13,000
                        Anns and ammunition                G25      600              25
                        Candles                            450      450            • ••
                        Car ras, country...              40,000   50,000  10,000
                        Cnttle and sheep   ...            2,500    2,600    100
                        Chunam and lime                   2,500    3,000    500
                        Cocoanut*                          375      350              25
                        Coffee                           32.000   31,500            500
                        Colton goods of all kinds ...   1,60.500  76.200          93,300
                          „ raw                          10.000   10,000
                        Dates                           1,21,000  1,20,000         1,000
                        Drugs and medicines               1.525    1.4G5             GO
                        Dyeing and colouring materials    2,1m     3,600   1,500
                        Fruits and vegetables              775     1,025    350
                        Earthen-ware ...                           1,000   1.900
                        Gold thread                               11.1XJ0   14,00)
                        Grain and pulse...              l.SG,S00  07,100          89,400
                        Hides and skins                  42,000   43,(XX)
                        Indigo                            2.000    2.100    100
                        Jute, manufactures of             8,250    4,100           4,150
                        Leather „
                        Lemons, dry, and citron           5.750    1,000           4,750
                        Mats                             33.600   20,650  7,050
                        Metals                           12,550    7,945           4,605
                        Oil...     .....................  4,000    3,600            400
                        Pearl shells                       400      350    • ••      60
                        Perfumery                         2,625    2,680     55
                        Porcelain and China-ware ...      2,000    2,000          • ••
                        Provision and oilman stores...   22,700   22,500            200
                        Saltpetre                          600     1.200    700
                        Silk, and manufactures of ...    17,200    4,000   • ••   13,200
                        Spices                            6,200    6,250     50
                        Stationery   •••                   950      950           • ••
                        Sugar      • ••                  10,175   10.350    ISO   • ••
                        Tobacco                                   17,000   • ••    ...
                        Woolen goods ...                 17,000                     200
                                                           000      700
                                         Total          7,51,950  64X),115  49,485  2,11.320
                                         Pearls        21.75,000  18,50,000      3^5,000

                                         Specie         1,02,500  75,000   • ••   27,500

                                     Grind Total    • ••  30,29,150  25.15,115  49,485  2,71,320
   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492   493