Page 518 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 518


                      4. I should be glad of ten printed copies of the report, and beg also
                                              respectfully to request that a few copies
                            # Tr,do*          of Parts II and IV* may be supplied
                                              in separate form.

                                             PART L

                                 GENERAL REPORT FOR 1878-79.
                      The following headings comprise the territories to be noticed in
                   connection with the political supervision and relations of this Resi­
                           1.  'Oman, under the rule of His Highness Seyyid Toorkee.
                           2.  The Arab Coast, under petty independent Chiefs.
                           3.  Bahrain, under Shaikh 'Eesa-binVAli.
                           4.  Ncjd, El Ahsa (or El Hasa), and El-Katr or Guttur, more
                               or less subject to Turkey.
                           5.  Southern Persia, Provinces of Arabistan, Fars and Persian
                           G. Bassidore.
                      2. The Political Agent's Report is submitted as Part III. The po­
                   litical condition of this principality has been exceptionally satisfactory,
                   and happily there was no occasion for any intervention of the British
                                          2.—Arab Coast.

                      3. There are no changes to record amongst the Trucial Chiefs on
                                              this coast who rule the marginally enu-
                     (1) Ilas-cl-Kbciwnb; (2) Umm-el-
                   Kawiiin ; (3) *Kjm£a ; (I) Shargah; meratcd ports.
                   (5) Dabuj; (G) Abu-Zhabi*    4. The Chief, Hameyd-bin-Abdullah,
                                              has continued to fulfil his engagements
                                              satisfactorily. A vessel belonging to one
                   of his subjects having embarked Bedouins at El-Bidaa, was seized and
                   used by them for piratical purposes and eventually released. The Chief
                   wa8 desired to keep the Nakhoda under surveillance, in order to hi®
                   production in case of it appearing he acted in collusion with the
                       5. A vessel of R^s-el-Khcimah was  plundered off El-Kateef by
                    Bedouin pirates of property estimated at 330 dollars, and Shaikh Hameyd
                    placed the matter in the hands of the Resident.
                       6. The Chiefs, Ahmed-bin-Abullah, Rashid-bin-Hameyd and Zaeod-
                     Unun.el-Kxwain, 'Ejmin and Abu- bin-khaleefab, have given entire satisfac-
                    Zb*J,L      #   #         tion in their relations with the Residency
                    and shown their willingness to do justice in matters connected with Brit-
                    ish Indian subjects, and to abide by the Trucial Regulations.
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