Page 542 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 542


                                     APPENDIX D TO PABT I«
                   Route* to Ispahan from Bunder D eel am and Ilindidn. On authority of
                      Hts Royal Highness Prince Oicais Mirza Ihtisham-cd-Doiolah, Governor
                      of BeKbehdn.
                   From Dcolam to Zaidoon                                . 7
                     „ Zaidoon to Bchbeh£n                               . 6
                     ,, Bchbeh£n to Cham-i-Chect                         . 3
                     „ Cbam-i-Cheet to Dchdasht                          . 5
                     „ Dchdasht to Sar-i-Fary£b                          . 5
                     ,, Sar-i-Fary£b to Saad£t .                            4
                     „ Saad&t to Chen£r.................................................... 4
                     „ Chenar to Flared is 9 farsakhs, but caravans generally half­
                           way, about 4 farsakhs from Chen£r, where thero is
                           an Eeliat encampment, but no village or caravanserai .  4
                     ,, Eel encampment to Flared                         . 5
                     „ Flared to Semiram                                   4
                     ,, Semiram to Komishah .                              4
                     ,, Komishah to Mayar «                                4
                     „ Mayar to Ispahan                                    8

                      From Sar-i-Fary£b to Chen£r is mountainous and the road difficult,
                   but caravans always pass that route with loads of boxes, bedding, &c.

                                      From Hindydn to Ispahan,
                   From Hind)£n to Deh Mollah                            • 4
                     ,,  Deh Mollah to Bahriah                           . 5
                     ,,  Bahriah to Cham-i-MolIah                        . 4
                     „  Cham-i-Mollah to Sultan Abad                     . 4
                     ,,  Saltan Abad to Ram Hormuz                       . 3
                     ,,  Ram Hormuz to Sh&reen                           . 3
                     ,,  Sh£reen to Mee Daood                            . 3
                     „  Mee Daood to Bagh-i-Malek .                      . 3
                     ,,  Bagh-i-Malek to Killa-i-Tol •                  . 3
                     „  Killa-i-Tol to Halayekan .    .                 . 2
                     „  Hal£yek£n to MaKmeer                            . 5
                     ,i  Mal£meer to Gadar-i-Balootak   .               . 5
                     „  Gad£r-i-Balootak to Deenirooee                  . 4
                     n  Deen^rooee P£-i-Koh-i-Garrah [foot of Mount Garrah] • 5
                     tt  P£-i-Koh-i-Garrah Dopeloon •                   . 6
                     n Dopeloon to Ardal .                              . 8
                     tt Ardal to Ispahan (all the way inhabited)        . 20

                                                          Total         . 87
                      I have not seen the road from MaKmcer to Ispahan, but I have been
                   told that the rood is not bad. From Hormuz to Maldmeer the
                   wads ore intersected with rivers and mountains, but the roods pass through
                   the valleys ; there are two or three snmll which are easily crossed-
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