Page 615 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 615

                                          POLITICAL AGENCY FOR 1878*79.
                    RESIDENCY AND MUSKAT
                                      Tablo No. 18.
              Contra,ted Stale,,uul lowing the Value and Bceeriplionof Goode imparled
                         into Buehire during the year 1677 and loro.

                                                    Fob thi Yun  Increase   Decrease
                              CLASS.                            In 1U78.  Id 1878.
                                                    1977.  1078.
                                                    Rs.    R».    Ha,    Bs.
             Animal*, liTinc *   •                  14.MW   11,100       3,700
             Anna and Ammunition                    40,WO               29,300
             Candlca,   .   .                              20,000  10,000
             Canraa.                                 1/tM   11,000        300
             Cattle .                                            **i*,ooo
             Cbuuam and Lima                        11,000   12,000
             Clocks and Watches                      0,000  f>,000       1,000
             Coal ...                                      co.oco  60,000
             Cocoanuts  .   .                       ' 3.000  3,500  600  HSaaa
                »•  dry
             Coffee .....                           27.200  12,000       15.200
             Coir and Coir-rope                     12.0U0  10,000       2,000
             Confectionery ...                       4,ft00  1,000       3,300
             Cotton Go<jda                         4,31.000  29.00,000  24,60,000
             Maaulipatam Piece Goods .              40.000  1,00,000  60,000
             Thread and Twist.                      77.000  53.000   *2.000  22,000
             Colton, raw ....                               2,000
             Dates......................................  10.000   1,50,000  1,40,000
              m dry ....
             Date-juice ....                        iojovo  "i',5'0      8,600
             Djciiig and Colouring Materials         3,bOO   900         2,900
             Drag, and Medicines .                  63,700  24,900       38,800
             Earthoaware                             2,600  4,300
             Fruits and Vegetables .                        6,100
             Far l......................................  • 8,000  10.000
             Furniture ....                                 4.000
             Gla-s and Gla&s-waro .                  0.900  6.000         900
             Gold Tnrrad ....                       31.000  13.000       21,000
             G*U Embroidered Cloth                  33.000  37.000
             Gv»ld La.-e
             Grain and Pul^e .                             **7,200
             ll:d* i aul Skins .                            4.000   4,000
             Indigo ....                                  4, $0,0.0   1,30,000
             Jute, manufactures of.                       1,30,00)  21,700
             Leather, manufactures of                       7.000  6,300
             Lemon*, dry .                                  6.000
             Lcaiou-juice.                                   •fcO  •100
             Liquors ...                            20,000  27,00)  7,000
             Loafers                                  too
             Mats .   .                             S9,3cO   1,000  400
             Metala                                3,91,tf-o   16,300  1,0*1*000  21,800
             Milica tones .#  !  ‘                    105   4,92,300    ••••
             0.1                                     7.400        *1*2.000  168
             Opium .   .   *                         8,000  2n,o:o
             Perfumery .                                   12,000  4,0o0
             Porcelain and China-ware                *9.000  22,000
             rroTudoua and Oilman’s Stores                        13,000
             Silt                                   62.000  72,8j0  1,000  9,200
             SJT". : :                                300    400   100
             Sdk, manufseturts of                          60,600  60,800
             hplces .                                       2,000  2,000
             Stationery . m                        1,33,000  1.04.000    28,000
             fcngar, candy                                 11,500  11,600
              n enuhed .                             1.000  8,000  2,000
              » lo»f ,                             1,00,000  1.00.000  82,000
              *. soft
             Tallow .   .   .                      9,30,700  6,90, OoO  M0.700
             Tea ...                                        3,000  ‘*3,000
             Tobacco                                WOO    60.000  86,000
             nA.StmST'                              Ss     "WOO   4\200
             wS8”* : ;                                       400   400
             Woollen Goods                                 43.000  43,000
             Other kinds .                          76,000  84.000   8.000
                                                           32,600  82^00
                                     Total,        32,27,116  0138,600
                                     8racis        1,40,000  13,10,000  34,23300  4,70,07*
                         grand total, rupees
                                                   83,57,118  73^8,600  44^600
   610   611   612   613   614   615   616   617   618   619   620